Mississippi Proposed Bill Publishes Name and Social Security Number of Gun Owners

This is the perfect storm for identity theft and gun confiscation in the future.

BY DANA CRISWELL – January 13, 2014

Today Mississippi Representative Omeria Scott (D-District 80) introduced House Bill 231. In her bill she proposes that anyone who sells ammunition in the State of Mississippi be required to keep records of each sale. If passed, every merchant, dealer or pawnbroker that sells pistol or rifle cartridges, shall keep a record of all sales of such cartridges sold, showing the description of the kind and caliber of cartridges so sold, the name, address and driver’s license or social security number of the purchaser, and the description of and the quantity of cartridges and date of sale.
These records, which include social security number, name and address would be “open to public inspection at any time to persons desiring to see it.”
Source: http://www.mississippigunnews.com/mississippi-proposed-bill-publishes-name-and-social-security-number-of-gun-owners/

The source link allowed you to contact the politicians and give them a piece of your mind. If Omeria is worried about crime (and Democrats think fighting crime means treating gun owners like slaves) then she should know it’s extremely easy to find a third party to buy your ammo for you.

In fact, I think she does know that, but let’s face it, it’s a lot easier to pass yet another meaningless law than to jail a criminal.

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