Is Pepsi anti-gun? Not so fast.

The Truth About Guns wrote Pepsi a letter after seeing a story of how Pepsi was funding the Aspen Ideas Festival, which features the appearance of gun hater Gaby Giffords.  Here’s how Pepsi responded:

Dear Mr. Farago,

Thank you for sharing your concern stemming from our participation in last summer’s Aspen Ideas Festival.

For background, each sponsor of the Festival is offered the chance to underwrite one evening as a part of overall sponsorship benefits. The evening that PepsiCo put our name on was an event in which journalist Andrea Mitchell interviewed Gabrielle Giffords and Mark Kelly about their lives since Ms. Gifford’s shooting. Other than to have our logo and name attached to that particular evening session, we have no relationship to Ms. Giffords or to her organization, Americans for Responsible Solutions.

I can further share that PepsiCo has never supported groups that either advocate gun control or oppose hunting.

I hope this information is helpful. Thanks again for taking the time to contact us.


Michael Madden
Consumer Relations

I’m glad Pepsi clarified, and I hope they start sponsoring events that attract more conservatives.  There are better things to sponsor than  The Aspen LIBERAL Ideas Festival.

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