Reponse to an Anti-Gun Nurse.

The following is a response to an anti-gun diatribe by a nurse.

Nurses like Carolyn Ingram know as much about gun violence as I know about nursing, in other words, nothing. The ability to remove a bullet from a body does not make you an authority on gun control or the Second Amendment. A butcher can lecture me about cutting meat, but he knows nothing about raising cattle.

When a patient arrives at the ER with a bullet wound, nurses don’t know who he is. He could be a criminal, a cop, a law-abiding citizen, an illegal alien, etc. Nurses, being the bleeding-hearts that they are, feel sorry for all patients. It’s the rest of us that discriminate; we don’t shed tears for criminal scum, but cheer for the law-abiding gun owners that shoot them.

I know this may sound heartless to some of you, but a individuals who cry for criminals bring down societies.

If gun control really worked, as Nurse Dumb claims, then why did California have the highest number of gun murders in 2011 according to FBI’s uniform crime reports?

This is ironic considering that it was named the state with the strongest gun control laws in 2011 by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

On the other hand, Texas, with a population of 25.6 million and plenty of pro-gun laws, had nearly half the gun murders California got in 2011.

Of course, Nurse Gun Banner has to bring up Newton, should we lose our gun rights because of one gun massacre in federally-mandated gun-free zone? Hey Nurse, you wanted gun-free zones? You’ve got them! So instead of blaming the NRA for Newton, why not take a good look at the gun control laws you support?

In Israel they don’t have gun massacres because teachers are allowed to carry guns, and we’re not talking about a small revolver in your purse, we’re taking about Galil rifles, Uzis, and other weapons you display openly to let the terrorists know that you are not an easy target.

It is time for freedom-loving Americans to stand up to the anti-gun lobby and billionaires like Bloomberg with their 17 gun-tootin’ guards. Will the limousine liberals and bleeding-heart nurses support armed bodyguard control? I doubt it.

Gun violence is a gun-free zone problem. The Second Amendment isn’t about society, it’s about the INDIVIDUAL and his ability to defend himself and his country. We as a society do nothing, we as individuals do everything. Ingram did not get permission from society to become a nurse, I don’t need it to get a gun. The 2nd Amendment is my gun permit, lady, and if you don’t like it then move to California where criminals go through background checks and obey all gun laws.

By the way, when a nurse walks to her car at 3AM in the morning, who’s gonna protect her? The State? A Cop? Or the gun in her holster? Maybe Nurse Nanny State should rethink her views on the Second Amendment, because at the end of the day, diatribes against our gun rights won’t protect your life, but owning a gun will.

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I would ask you to cease using the term “gun violence”. What is it with you folks who claim to represent freedom and then use the Marxist terms used to denigrate and villify firearms and firearms owners ?

Stop writing the way the left wants you to. Terms like “assault rifle”, “gun violence” and other Marxist terms used to attack firearms should be removed from one’s vocabulary. As an example I never use the term “AR” in reference to Eugene Stoner’s rifle and it’s successors. Instead I reference it as an “ARmalite”, the word that “AR” is abbreviated for.

Please…stop using Marxist words used to attack gun owners. Words have meaning.


Well, I admit I could have said “guns” instead of “gun violence.” I rarely use the term “assault rifle,” I prefer “tactical rifle.” I don’t mind the term AR, it is a brand after all just like AK or M16.

Yes, words have meaning, but we do have to make ourselves understood by the enemy which forces us to sometimes use their words. Believe me, I’m the furthest thing from a Marxist that you’ll ever meet, but I’ll take your comment under consideration. Thanks for visiting the blog.


Mr.Smith, I implore you and others to cease using terms the anti-gunners use to influence their arguments. Make THEM understand us using our terminology. Not some term or phrase conjured up in a Chicago back alley behind Bill Ayers’ house.

Thanks for responding to me.


You’re right, I will do my best to avoid those terms in the future. In the meantime, what do you think of this shirt? It’s gotten likes but only 2 people have bought it. Is there something wrong with the design or the copy?

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