Ann Coulter schools Piers Morgan

The Goddess of the Right shows CNN’s official Red Coat what’s what:

PIERS MORGAN: “there have been 35 separate school shootings in America since Newtown. Not a single changed any federal gun law in that time. Nobody on the pro-gun side seems prepared to relent about anything…to try and reduce the level of gun violence.

ANN COULTER: (laughs) …[O]bviously, I think guns reduce gun crimes, but the idea that when one spree killing after another is committed by a crazy person, that you think taking the guns away is going to do something – it’s like draining an ocean to find a ring you lost. That isn’t going to help. The crazy people go out and kill people with swords – you know, the school – murder of school children during school time – that took more lives than any other in this country’s history – was committed with a bomb by a crazy person.

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