The enemy (gun-hating trial lawyers) wants to scare schools from allowing guns, they can’t wait for a gun accident to sue them for millions of dollars. That is why the Ohio House just did us a favor:
A month after a local police officer and decorated combat veteran accidentally discharged his firearm in a school, the Ohio House passed legislation Wednesday that would remove liability for schools that make closed-door decisions about arming teachers.
Current Ohio law allows private and public schools to permit teachers to carry guns. It’s a local decision. The proposed law would allow them to decide in private who can be armed and protect schools from liability issues if there is an accident.
State education officials currently do not track which schools have armed educators, nor does the Attorney General’s office, although school safety plans filed with the AG’s office might include information on who in a school may have a weapon. The bill still makes that a voluntary disclosure, which means a police officer responding to an emergency might not know who in the school is carrying a weapon.
Sorry gun haters, looks like school shooters will be met with deadly force in Ohio.