Gun-Tootin’ Plumbers Unclog Gun Banners in Colorado.

Gun-Tootin' Plumbers Unclog Gun Banners in Colorado.

When the Colorado political establishment takes a crap on the Second Amendment, it’s time to call a plumber, or in this case, three pro-gun plumbers.

“Armed with little more than a petition, an army of volunteer signature-gatherers and their iPhones, political newcomers Victor Head, his brother Adam Head, and Ernest Mascarenas have forced a recall election for state Sen. Angela Giron, a rising star in the state’s powerful Democratic Party and a labor favorite in heavily unionized Pueblo.

The three plumbers’ grass-roots efforts — and Ms. Giron’s struggle to hold on to her seat — have roiled politics in this purple state while laying down a marker in the increasingly fierce state-level battle over gun control laws, political watchers say.”


“A tattooed 28-year-old “backflow specialist” who works in the family plumbing business, Victor Head helped launch Pueblo Freedom and Rights in March, shortly after the Democrat-dominated state legislature approved three bills restricting access to firearms and ammunition.”

They also videotaped pro-Giron demonstrators who blocked their tables. One recording showed a man passing out $20 bills to demonstrators.

See? Our three heroes “didn’t have college degrees, money, connections or political experience,” but they had the PASSION and the will to get it done.

“Political analysts initially dismissed the recall talk as a pipe dream. Officials at the Colorado Republican Party and Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, the state’s largest gun advocacy group, took a pass on the idea, saying they would wait for the 2014 elections.”

Exactly, because they lack vision, they’re out of touch with the voters. To them, the Second Amendment is just a theory, they’re more likely to own an espresso machine than a handgun, but to us, the Second Amendment is real.

Maybe y’all need some new analysts, and right now there’s three plumbers that I can recommend you.

Thanks for unclogging the bastards, boys. It’s a dirty job, but you’ve already done it. Let’s just hope the voters vote them out in the recall.

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