Hawaii vs. DC: Strict Gun Control- Different Crime Rates

Here’s an interesting article:

Hawaii has the lowest rate of gun deaths in the United States, while the District of Columbia has the highest, according to new research.

Over the past decade, deaths from gun-related violence — including murders, suicides and unintentional shootings — varied widely across the United States, the study revealed. Hawaii’s rate was roughly three per 100,000 citizens. On the opposite end of the spectrum, the District of Columbia had the highest rate of gun deaths, with about 22 per 100,000 citizens.

Aside from geography, race/ethnicity also played a role in gun death rates. The national rate of gun deaths was twice as high among black people as it was among whites. The researchers noted, however, that the number of black people killed as a result of gun violence fell in seven states and the District of Columbia. Meanwhile, gun deaths involving white people fell in only four states.

Gun deaths among Hispanics also declined in four states, while gun deaths involving non-Hispanics increased in nine states, according to the study published online Sept. 18 in BMJ Open.

The research, led by Bindu Kalesan, an assistant professor at Columbia University in New York City, examined all recorded gun deaths in the United States between 2000 and 2010.

The study also found that gun-related deaths increased in both Florida and Massachusetts. In these states, there were more gun deaths among whites and non-Hispanics. These states also reported an increase in gun-related murder rates.

The researchers pointed out these trends do not seem to reflect gun-control efforts and law in individual states. For example, the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence ranked Massachusetts the third most restrictive state for firearm legislation in 2011.After Massachusetts passed a tough law restricting gun use in 1998, gun ownership rates dropped sharply, but violent crimes and murders increased. The influx of firearms from nearby states with weaker firearm laws could be to blame, the researchers suggested in a journal news release.

Meanwhile, in 2011 the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence ranked Florida the 40th most restrictive state for firearm legislation. Although Florida gun deaths increased, the state had an overall drop in violent crime from 2000 to 2010.

The study authors concluded that curbing gun violence may require reducing access to firearms and strengthening interstate border controls to prevent the transport of guns.

Aside from D.C., states with fewer gun-related deaths over the decade include: Arizona, California, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, New York and North Carolina.

The drop in firearm death rates in California was largely the result of a decline in the number of gun-related suicides. Across the United States, however, the number of gun-related murders and suicides did not change between 2000 and 2010. Nationally, deaths resulting from unintentional shootings dropped significantly, the study found.
Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/states-with-the-highest-and-lowest-rates-of-gun-deaths/


So what conclusions can we draw?

1. If gun control worked, it would work in both D.C. and Hawaii. Before someone says “but Hawaii is an island, they don’t have a gun-tootin State next door.” They have an ocean, all kinds of illegal stuff arrives by sea.

2. Statistically-speaking, blacks are more likely to commit crime than whites, Asians, or Hispanics. A ghetto in Tennessee is the same as a ghetto in DC, Chicago or LA, a place where the good guys have nothing (by choice or law) and the bad guys have everything. So the Hawaii “miracle” is driven by race, not law.

3.  So liberals want interstate border control? That’s interesting. Will we need passports to cross from Arkansas into Tennessee? Interstate border checkpoints? Never mind that the border fence between Mexico and the USA has gaps, never mind that we’re being overrun by dreamers, never mind that the INS isn’t deporting as much as they used to, and our cops are being told not to question people’s immigration status. If we can’t do all that, then why would a liberal suggest interstate border control? Unless of course hew knew a study without PC recommendations won’t get covered in the media.

4. Suicides should never count as gun deaths, the method of suicide is irrelevant. You “control” suicide with psychiatry, and you only “control it” when the self-murderer seeks treatment, in other words, you can’t control it. Japan for example is #1 in suicide worldwide, and getting a gun is almost impossible. The Japanese use knives, and their response to the suicide “epidemic” hasn’t been to control samurai swords.

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