Steve Sebelius is a 2nd Amendment Traitor

Our anti-gun enemies are always evolving, consider this anti-gun column by Steve Sebelious from the Las Vegas Review Journal.

“Nevada gun owners have been silent too long, and because of our silence, state Sen. Justin Jones [D-Las Vegas] almost succeeded in disarming Nevadans,” said Don Turner, president of the coalition and the new PAC. “Nevadans can’t take our Second Amendment rights for granted, so we created this PAC at the request of Nevada gun owners to make sure we use our voice in the future.”

Turner is right: Had Senate Bill 221 passed the 2013 session, it would have prevented ex-felons and the mentally ill from legally purchasing firearms! The humanity.

Here’s the truth from the NRA:

“ As amended, SB 221 criminalizes otherwise lawful private transfers of firearms unless the transaction goes through a Federal Firearms Licensed dealer (FFL).  SB 221 will in effect create a registration system of all firearms transferred privately. This bill also makes revisions to Nevada law regarding mental health.  An individual who fails to comply with the new background check transfer requirements would be prohibited from possessing a firearm for a period of two years after being found guilty of a gross misdemeanor. 

See how the gun haters lie? They want to create felons out of abiding people that forget to comply with a stupid background check. Of course, lying is an old technique, so let’s look at the new stuff here:

But the fact is, there are plenty of intelligent, reasonable gun owners out there who had no problem with Jones’ bill, and the Nevada Firearms Coalition PAC doesn’t speak for us. (I say us because I’m an enthusiastic gun owner who believes many of our current laws are too restrictive. But I had no problem enthusiastically supporting Jones’ bill, because I think laws aimed at making it harder for criminals and the mentally ill to get guns are a good idea.)

This is a classic, they want to divide gun owners between the “smart ones” that support gun control and the “dumb ones” that oppose it. Steve claims to be an enthusiastic gun owner, he even admits that our current laws are too restrictive which is funny since he did not write a column attacking our current gun laws.

“Senator Jones, with significant help from former New York Mayor [Michael] Bloomberg and Mayors Against Illegal Guns, tried to force the unreasonable burden of mandatory background checks on law-abiding Nevadans despite undeniable proof that it would not stop criminals from committing crimes,” the PAC says on its website.

Ah, yes, the Pace Picante defense: Jones is wrong because he was supported by a guy from New York City?!

No, not just any guy from New York City, but a liberal billionaire dedicated to the destruction of the 2nd Amendment. Calling Bloomberg a guy from NYC is like calling Hitler an Austrian painter.

But it’s not just ex-mayors who will find that statement ridiculous: Jones wasn’t trying to create a new law. He was trying to extend the provisions of an existing law to a well-known black loophole that simply shouldn’t exist. And he did so despite knowing his efforts would eventually be mischaracterized and used against him politically.

A black loophole? I didn’t know loopholes had colors. Careful Sebelius, the NAACP might call you racist. Here’s the truth, all laws have loopholes, and the solution is not passing more laws. Wall Street is full of corruption in spite of decades of regulation and legislation. Guys like Jordan Belfort were experts at exploiting every loophole and moving their money around. The gun black market is even easier since you’re not leaving a paper trail, you’re just exchanging cash for weapons.

Oh, by the way, nobody ever said the background check law would stop criminals from committing crimes. Obviously, laws against murder, robbery and aggravated assault don’t stop those crimes from occurring, either. We pass laws in part to punish people for committing bad acts, and, in the case of the background check bill, we pass laws to make it marginally more difficult for bad actors to acquire guns legally. But that’s a good thing.

We support PRO-GUN LAWS because want want people to shoot robbers, murderers, and prevent aggravated assault.  We shouldn’t waste time passing dumb laws. “Marginally more difficult” is not good enough to waste taxpayer dollars passing stupid laws that harass the law-abiding. It’s the same reason I opposed “sodomy laws” which were at one time declared a “symbolic gesture of family values.” Sorry, but the law should not be used for symbolism, I don’t even like Earth Day proclamations because the role of government should be limited to the bare essentials, not BS.

Some of my friends on the right may disagree, but we must all remember that a government that promotes your values today, may promote your enemies’ values tomorrow.  Everyone like George W. Bush helping his faith-based charities, but do we like Obama giving money to Planned Parenthood and ACORN and the PhD’s with their dubious studies? Absolutely not.




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