The sad liberals at Mother Jones don’t like these shirts, I’ve left their dumb remarks:
“AR-15 Asshole Remover”
That’s the same rifle that was used to remove 26 lives at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
“Guns don’t kill people. I do.”
For the rare sociopath with a sense of personal responsibility.
“When Democracy Becomes Tyranny / I STILL Get to Vote.”
This is exactly why we need voter ID laws.
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“9 out of 10 voices in my head told me to stay home and clean the guns”
Too bad your superego didn’t tell you not to make fun of mental illness.

“Gun control means never having to say I missed you”
Pretty much any way you interpret it, this is messed up.

“All in favor of ‘gun control’ raise your right hand.”
Hitler was also a vegetarian, but that doesn’t make bacon taste better.
“Yes, I do own a gun. / Yes, I do know how to use it. / Yes, I will shoot your sorry ass!”
This one raises all kinds of questions. You probably should keep them to yourself and slowly back away.
“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms” —Thomas Jefferson
The NRA has edited Jefferson’s phrase, subsitiuting “free man” for the original “freeman,” because it would be embarassing to suggest that only white men should be armed.

“Happiness is a warm gun”
Unfortunately, the guy who originally came up with this phrase is not around to complain about this shirt.
Though I am a big believer in the 2nd amendment I too find many of these shirts distasteful and somewhat disturbing. Not to mention they only help to feed into the lefts sick agenda that all gun owners are mentally disturbed lunatics out to kill someone. How bout we STOP feeding the bear? Yes we have free speech, that doesn’t mean we need to use it in this way just because we can. Carrying a gun on your person for self defense is serious business, and these shirts while seemingly tongue in cheek, only help to enforce those arguments of gun haters everywhere.
Ann Coulter wrote about Republicans who refer to Democrats as “my good friend” and “my distinguished colleague” while the liberals are ripping them to pieces.
You may friend sound a bit like that. Buddy, we’re not feeding the bear, the bear feeds itself, it’s an insane bear that sees phantoms all over the place. For example, Bill Maher wants Democrats to come out against the 2nd Amendment. See what I mean? That’s like asking Hitler to come out against the Jews.
Gun haters are never gonna change, we need to focus on independents, moderates, people on the fence, those that have never shot a gun, people like that. Maybe once in a while a gun hater removes head from ass and joins our side, but that’s rare, and even when it happens, it has more to do with meeting an individual gun owner than anyone else. I know because I went from moderate on guns to gun activist thanks to a friend who educated me.
Besides, there’s a lot of variety among gun owners. I’m sure a Jewish gun owner won’t be too pleased when he goes to a gun show and finds someone selling WW2 memorabilia, including swastikas, yet should we ban that? Are we gonna censor ourselves to avoid offending anyone? I say no.
In the end, I’d advice you not to worry too much about T-Shirts. If Mother Jones and their friends want to attack us, they’re gonna do it. Newshounds for example refers to the AR-15 as a “weapon of mass destruction” even though 99.999999% of the people that own that weapon haven’t destroyed anything other than a paper target or maybe a deer.
Gun haters upset me, but I won’t change who I am to please them, and while I won’t be wearing most of those shirts, I will support the people that do.
Ann Coulter’s latest book preaches that to win we must run like Democrats and govern like Republicans. I agree with that, the left is excellent at campaigning, they go for the jugular, they take no prisoners, they have no shame.
We must do the same, the 2nd Amendment is our civil rights fight, and we must be willing to get down and dirty if that’s what it takes to win.