Guns do belong in college dorms

Young gun haters contradict themselves, on one hand, they reject their elders and betters, they see themselves as superior, yet when it comes to their 2nd Amendment rights then suddenly they admit being rash, stupid, and untrustworthy. look at how their tune changes:

Dangerous weapons have no place in a volatile environment in which first-year students are experimenting with alcohol, dealing with complicated relationships and battling stress. And according to the University of California Berkeley, one in 10 college students has considered suicide, and suicide is the second-leading cause of death among college-age students. Adding firearms to the mix simply doesn’t make sense.

If the poor little darlings can’t cope with Real Life, maybe they should stay at home and let mommy and daddy supervise them. What a whiner, I’m sure the 17-year-old who’s doing his basic training with the Marines is battling far more stress than some pussy in a college dorm, and unlike Private Pyle from Full Metal Jacket, he won’t don’t end up shooting his drill sergeant and then blowing up his own brain.  Besides, if removing guns prevented suicide, Japan would have the lowest suicide rate instead of the highest. The Nipponese are quite adept and severing arteries with knives, yet I don’t see Japan banning them.

Florida already has absurdly loose gun laws: Although you need a permit to carry a handgun in Florida, anyone aged 18 and older doesn’t need a permit or license to purchase a handgun. Gun owners in Florida also aren’t required to register their handguns

Wrong! You have to be 21 to buy a handgun (federal law), you can be in possession of a handgun at 18, but you can’t purchase the handgun yourself. You also have to be 21 to get a concealed carry license. As for registration, you’re right, we’re not required to register them because in Florida you’re not treated like a criminal for owning a handgun. That’s the way it should be all over America.

Many students may not feel comfortable sharing a room with a stranger who owns a gun, and the reality of college freshmen acting rashly during times of stress or anger looms as a possible danger.

Tough, when I went to college I had to change roommates occasionally, as for acting rashly, grow up.

Here’s Why Guns do belong in College Dorms: 

1. It’s a right. Just like Free Speech is not restricted to those who are mature, the 2nd Amendment assumes you are law-abiding, if you break the law, you get punished

2. Most criminals are young and they prey on college students. Nobody should have to die, get robbed, get beaten, be raped, etc, because some gun hater was afraid of an inanimate object

3. Even if the duty of the cops was to protect you (it isn’t), most colleges have unarmed security guards who fight crime by calling 911. So you’re better off carrying a gun

If you can think of other reasons why guns belong in college dorms, let me know.

2 Responses to Guns do belong in college dorms

  1. Just as an Idaho judge recently slapped down the USACE restriction on guns because a tent functions as a home, however temporary, so does a dorm room. Why should students not be secure in their homes with the ability to defend themselves? Especially when many colleges and universities require students to live in them.
    One minor correction – feds require 21 to purchase from a FFL, but private purchases of handguns may be allowed if the state allows younger people to have them…

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