Gun Control is a Sugar Rush.

Gun banners are sad, as NBC puts its in their headline, “Almost a year after Newtown, does anyone care about gun control anymore?”

Our good news is their sorrow, not only has the NRA gotten a million new members to “sign up in the first 9 months of the years,” not only is our side outspending the enemy  9 to 1, but they admit the passion for gun control doesn’t last:

“It’s like a sugar rush,” says Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign, of the cycle of public concern after a major shooting. “It seems like we have intensity—there’s sympathy, there’s outrage—but that intensity proves to be transitory.”

You know why? Because we’ve been doing it for decades, because we’re consistent, because we call things what they are. Your side is built on lies, yesterday you call it “gun control,” today you talk about “gun safety.”  Doesn’t matter how many times you talk about “common sense gun safety measures” because in the end, it doesn’t make sense, and even ignorant people who think your ideas make sense aren’t willing to join your organizations and pay membership dues.

Besides, like Ayn Rand, Rand Paul, libertarians, and real Republicans,  we fight for self-reliance, you fight for government-reliance, we blame criminals, you blame the people that didn’t do it.

“They’re single-issue people and we aren’t,” says Beverly Moffet, a retired judge in Columbus, Ohio, and a supporter of Americans for Responsible Solutions. “That’s their side’s greatest strength and our great weakness.”

You might be right about that Beverly, while there are issues besides the 2nd Amendment that I care about, I can’t afford to join every political organization that supports my views, so I concentrate my time and treasure on the NRA and my gun rights.

There is one thing that scares me though, yesterday I met a gun owner who hasn’t joined the NRA. She says it’s because she doesn’t feel her gun rights are threatened right now, but she’ll join if they get threatened in the future. Lady, don’t wait until the last minute, while I enjoy reporting on gun banners licking their wounds, they will attack us yet again.

Consider these words from Thomas Jefferson: “eternal vigilance is the price we pay for liberty.” He said this in 1817, these words remain true today. The cheapest NRA membership is $35, is that price too high to pay for liberty? I think not. My gym membership is $99 a month, Grand Theft Auto V cost me $65,  my Powerball/Mega Million habit is $48 a month (I play twice a week, 4 numbers), so believe me, you can find a few bucks for the NRA.



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