Citizens for a Safe Ashland trying to ban open carry.

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Oregonians are legally permitted to open carry guns in public, you only need a license for concealed carry. A  group of gun haters wants to stop that:

“Citizens for a Safe Ashland has gathered about 175 signatures on its online petition posted on….It calls for city regulations banning people from openly carrying loaded firearms in public places, including in vehicles in public areas.”


“This just makes sense. It is unsafe for people to carry loaded guns in public places, and children should not have access to guns. Passing these ordinances will help keep Ashland residents (and visitors) and children safer!”
— Lorin Groshong, Ashland

Really? Cops open carry guns in public, you want to disarm them as well?

“I’d bet about anything that if some crazed criminal went on some kind of a spree and started harming innocent citizens, you would not mind the fact that someone was there with the ability to stop them. More laws that limit responsible, law-abiding gun owners from carrying a gun will not affect how criminals act. Criminals will carry guns no matter what laws are on the books.”
— Todd Kemp, Ashland


Citizens for a Safe Ashland also want to make it illegal for a person to fail to prevent access by a minor to a loaded or unloaded firearm without the permission of the person, a parent or a guardian.

Just today I wrote about 5 minors that used their parents’ guns to shoot dangerous intruders. Luckily, we have friends fighting for us:

The Oregon Firearms Federation will sue the city of Ashland if it enacts laws governing gun storage, Starrett vowed.

“We’d love to sue them. We’d be thrilled to take them on,” he said. “We believe they’re asking for a lawsuit.”

City Councilor Rich Rosenthal said he is getting flooded with messages from opponents and proponents of gun restrictions in Ashland.

The strident nature of the pro-gun side has been a major turn-off, to be honest. The majority of them are not Ashlanders. They are threatening our community with an economic boycott,” Rosenthal said.

“This is just a concept that’s being discussed at a study session. The council hasn’t done anything yet. Their arguments are premature and off-base,” he added.

Actions have consequences, Rosenthal. Gun control is like a cockroach, you see one, there’s probably 60 more hiding somewhere. We’ve got to fight the virus before it kills the patient. You don’t want an economic boycott? You don’t want litigation? Then respect the 2nd Amendment and get the hell out of our way.


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