Gaspar Perricone is co-founder of Bull Moose Sportsmen, he looks like one of us, but how can we trust him when 95% of his money comes from the Democratic-aligned nonprofit group America Votes?
Ed Andrieski/AP
The Bull Moose Sportsmen could fool you if you didn’t know any better, on their 2nd Amendment Rights for Sportsmen page, this is part of what they support:
Guns in National Parks
BMSA fully supports recent legislation to allow sportsmen to be in possession of a firearm on NPS lands. Often, hunters can only access public lands open to hunting by crossing NPS lands. The Park Service’s ban on firearms effectively shut down hunting on untold acres of public lands.Transportation of firearms on Amtrak
BMSA believes that sportsmen should be free to safely travel with their firearms, wherever their travels may take them and by whatever mode of transport gets them there. Allowing firearms on trains just makes sense and BMSA is happy that Amtrak is now a viable travel option for the sportsman.Assault Weapons Ban
BMSA will not support and will vigorously fight any attempt to create or renew a ban on any of the firearms commonly used by sportsmen. The so-called assault weapons ban could have an impact on any number of sporting firearms and the banning of any hunting rifles, shotguns, or pistols will always remain unacceptable.
Source: http://www.bullmoosesportsmen.org/2nd-amendment-rights-for-sportsmen
Sounds great, right? Not so fast.
Amid Capitol Hill’s gun control debates this year, the Denver-based Bull Moose Sportsmen ranked among the few advocacy groups to chart a centrist course when working with lawmakers and the White House to craft firearm laws.
Its funding, however, is anything but middle of the road.
The Democratic-aligned nonprofit America Votes provided the self-described “nonpartisan” Bull Moose Sportsmen with the overwhelming majority of its funding in 2012, according to a Center for Public Integrity review of documents recently filed with the Internal Revenue Service.
In all, contributions from America Votes represent at least 95 percent of the $963,000 raised by the Bull Moose Sportsmen from its launch in 2010 through the end 2012, IRS records show.
Source: http://www.publicintegrity.org/2013/12/23/14054/nonpartisan-gun-rights-group-boosted-democratic-aligned-america-votes
Friend, if you’re a hunter, you don’t need to join the Bull Moose Sportsmen. For $35 a year you can join the NRA and choose “American Hunter” as your magazine. Think about it, why join the BMS when they only have 5,000 members? The NRA has 5 million, and their funding comes from real people, not Bloomberg-backed Democrats that hate our guns.