Everyone Hates Kenneth Cole

Kenneth Cole could have bought a billboard that advertises his crappy fashion, instead, he did this: So the man who’s married to Maria Cuomo, who has a daughter and who purchased a $14.5 million co-op in 2008 on Sutton Place, has a problem with guns? And how exactly do “all have access to guns” when […]

Ghana: Civilians Reject Gun Control

Ghana is a country in Africa, and while the newspaper is obviously for gun control, you’ll see how the people in Ghana are rejecting it: 2.3 million guns in civilian hands – Report Findings of a survey carried out by the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Centre (KAIPTC) indicate that there are about 2.3 million weapons […]

The folly of metal detectors

In Clarksville, Indiana, they’re celebrating: CLARKSVILLE, Ind. —Officials in Clarksville, Indiana, are seeing results after stepping up security at the local town hall. Related In just a little more than a month, Clarksville Town Hall Chief Bailiff Matthew Palmers tells WLKY they have prevented hundreds of weapons from entering the building. There has been a […]

“Destroyed” Australian Guns Reappear

  Is Australia, they love gun confiscation, “We need a new firearm buyback before there is another bloodbath” screams the headline from one Australian newspaper, yet an article from another paper admits the futility of such schemes. February 10, 2007 A NETWORK of firearms dealers has rorted the $600 million national guns buyback scheme, and […]

AATTP claims Gun Owners are Angry

Americans Against The Tea Party are celebrating, they found a study that confirms their biases: Bombshell Study: Gun Owners Tend to Be Angry, Unstable, Impulsive   And yet when PoliticsUSA investigated, they found that the numbers tell a different story: The researchers found that 8.9% of those who reported being impulsively angry also reported gun […]

Gun-Tootin’ Kunis Supports Obama

Mila Kunis wants to have her gun while supporting her gun’s confiscator as well: … Kunis says, “I would love [my daughter] to have a woman [in the White House], to think, ‘If there’s a woman president, what is there that I can’t do?’” Kunis goes on to share, “I’m a Demo­crat. My husband is […]

How Gun Running Works

If you loved Lord of War, here’s another interesting tale about the criminal element, you know, those people that fear gun control laws: The page-turning, inside account of how three kids from Florida became big-time weapons traders—and how the US government turned on them. In January of 2007, three young stoners from Miami Beach won […]