Background Checks Won’t Reduce Gun Trafficking

I read the following about Hillary Clinton, and I had to laugh. She endorses background checks to reduce gun trafficking and condones making straw purchasing, or illegal firearm purchasing, a federal crime. Clinton supports reform of existing gun legislation to prohibit those who suffer with mental illness from purchasing a gun.  – Source: I […]

Texas Mass Shooter Universities

Welcome to Sitting Duck University, where mass shooters can get Bachelors of Blood and Doctorates in Death. Three Texas private college presidents said Saturday that they expect their schools to opt out of a new state law allowing properly licensed students to carry concealed guns on campus. Guns will likely remain banned at Trinity University […]

Letter Writer Wants To Ban Guns From TV

Gun haters don’t just want a gun-free country, they want gun-free entertainment. Guess the Terminator is going to have to kill people with this bare hands, right? Seeing a gun isn’t an everyday thing for a lot of people. Except on television. There, I can see hundreds, if not thousands, of guns every day, all […]

Game Informer Attacks NRA: Claims they Supported Racist Gun Control Laws

Besides guns, I love video games, that’s why I get Games Informer. What I wasn’t expecting to get is lies about the NRA in a review by Matt Bertz about Mafia III.   Read it here: Excuse me? The NRA wasn’t even involved in legislation until the Gun Control Act of 1968 was proposed, back […]

Obama Thinks it’s easier to buy a gun than a book

Obama goes to Democratic fundraisers and tells them: “It’s not just mass shootings,” the president said. “It is the daily shootings that take place in cities across America. It is easier to buy a gun than buy a book,” Obama said, referring to the lack of bookstores in low-income areas. Source Really? Has he ever […]

Hell is a Gun-Free Zone

The bible is full of pro-weapons verses, Luke 22:36 is one of them. And yet: 11. Provide weapon-free zones The final statement in the resolution on gun violence states, “reflecting the traditional role of The United Methodist Church that has been one of safety and sanctuary, every United Methodist Church is officially declared a weapon-free […]

Hillary Clinton Wants To Sue The Second Amendment

  Before the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, any crooked lawyer could sue the gun industry not for defects in the weapons but for what criminals do with guns. The equivalent of suing Ford because your cousin likes to drink and drive and ended up crashing into a bunch of people, or drove […]

Roanoke Bus Service Bans Open Carry

If you’re poor and without a car, you take the bus, and chances are you can’t afford to concealed carry license so you open carry. Valley Metro doesn’t care, they want you unarmed and defenseless. Valley Metro, the Roanoke-based bus service, took heat this week from a gun rights group for a partial ban on […]