Gun Haters Tries to Compromise NRA Survey

Here’s what the enemy did:

Candice Andalia
Wayne LaPierre just sent this survey, which will be used to lobby Congress re: gun ownership.

I think it’s time we showed the NRA how people actually feel about the “Obama Gun-ban Agenda.” Will you help me spread the word to get people to take the survey?

What Candice forgot is that once you finish the survey, you don’t get survey results but an invitation to join the NRA. So go ahead, Candice, waste your time filling surveys, when the NRA wants to publish results, they mail the survey to actual members to avoid tricksters like you.

Moms Demand Action wants to control anger

This is one of the most ridiculous gun-hating memes I have seen:


Really? So how exactly do you ban anger? You’re gonna make everyone count to 10? What history confirms is that unarmed post offices are the perfect hunting grounds for psychopaths. You want to prevent anger? Give everybody a gun and you’ll see how quickly people become more polite.

Fear vs. Freedom: Proposal to Restrict Guns in New Mexico’s Capitol

They’re trying to restrict firearms from the New Mexico Capitol, a proposal that cleared the house but failed in the senate, and this comment caught my attention:

Democratic Sen. Peter Wirth of Santa Fe said he proposed the restrictions after constituents told him they were afraid last year to attend legislative proceedings because gun rights supporters were openly carrying handguns and rifles in the Capitol. Rep. Brian Egolf, a Santa Fe, gave a similar explanation for why he was pushing the restrictions in the House.

“When citizens feel that they can’t participate in the democratic process because you’ve got a roomful of people legally carrying firearms, something is not working,” Wirth said.
Read more here:

Cry me a river, when I was a smoker I did not want to participate on jury duty because I feared being without my cigs, yet I doubt my former habit would have been accepted as an excuse to get out of jury duty.

Here’s how real Americans deal with fear:

Rep. Cathrynn Brown, a Carlsbad Republican, said she had received death threats as a legislator.

“There are people who will threaten you because they want you to walk in fear,” she said. “And I have a right, as a woman and as a citizen, to exercise my constitutional right and if I choose to have a firearm, that is my right.”

That’s what separates Republicans from Democrats, we act as individuals, they demand everyone else act like they do. If we’re afraid, we get a gun, if they’re afraid, they do a gun ban and hope criminals will behave themselves.



Gun-hating panel in Massachusetts makes recommendations

House Speaker Robert DeLeo and his gun-hating friends have developed a wicked wish list:

  1. Require background checks for private sales
  2. Increase penalties for failing to report lost or stolen guns
  3. Tighten regulations on rifle ownership
  4. Tax credits for the purchase of gun safe (i.e. corporate welfare)
  5. Join a fed program to share information about people “unsuitable” to own guns because of substance abuse or mental illness
  6. Do away with the Class B license (which allows open carry) since most gun owners routinely carry their firearms in the open (Class A licenses allow concealed carry)
  7. Closing a “loophole” in state law that allows people who have been arrested repeatedly but not convicted from purchasing firearms (guilty until proven innocent)
  8. Identification cards to buy rifles or shotguns even though the ycan be denied handgun licenses

“The report did not include a Patrick commendation to restrict a gun owner to buying one firearm a month. The committee said it didn’t believe it would help limit the flow of illegal weapons into Massachusetts from states where buying guns is easier.”

