Good Gun News about 2013

This meme is 100% true, as Breitbart reported:   Despite the never ending gun control push by the Obama administration, Senate Democrats, and gun control organizations during 2013, there were huge pro-gun moments.   Number five on the list is the lopsided win NRA-backed Virginia delegates secured over delegates backed by Michael Bloomberg and Mayors […]

Cop Censors Gun Activist

  Outrageous story from The Gun Examiner, An officer of a Constitution State gun rights group says he was ordered Tuesday morning to stop passing out business cards to gun owners waiting in line to register guns and magazines in compliance with a new state law. Lenny Benedetto, a founding member and Vice President of […]

Father’s Cause: End “dial 9” to reach 911.

Here’s an email I got today: ——————- Gregory – A few weeks ago, my daughter Kari was stabbed to death in front of her children. The pain of this is unimaginable. But what’s almost worse is knowing my daughter might still be alive if her daughter, my granddaughter, had been able to reach 911. You […]

The Dangers of Flashing your Gun

I wonder if the cops would have been called if she had flashed a baseball bat? Frankly, I think it was an overreaction, even though I’m not the type of guy that flashes his guns. A Missoula woman has been arrested after authorities said she brandished a gun at her downstairs neighbors, who were celebrating […]

Another Fast and Furious Gun Appears.

Operation Fast and Furious is the gift that keeps on giving the ATF a headache. A dramatic shootout between authorities and suspected cartel gunmen at a Mexican seaside resort this month has ties to a botched U.S. gun operation. A U.S. official said Tuesday that investigators have traced at least one firearm recovered at a […]

Defeat in New York

Gun victories in New York are rare, defeats are common, especially when you have anti-gun Judges like William Skretny of Buffallo who “rejected arguments from opponents that its ban on large-capacity magazines and the sale of semi-automatic rifles infringed on Second Amendment rights….He ruled that the provisions were constitutional because the state has an “important […]