Tag Archives: ATF

Another Fast and Furious Gun Appears.

Operation Fast and Furious is the gift that keeps on giving the ATF a headache. A dramatic shootout between authorities and suspected cartel gunmen at a Mexican seaside resort this month has ties to a botched U.S. gun operation. A U.S. official said Tuesday that investigators have traced at least one firearm recovered at a […]

Guest Blog: The Curio and Relic License.

The Curio and Relic License: a Tool for Sportsman and Collectors Guest blog by L.S. Graves. The Curio and Relic License or C&R as it is often referred to, is a less expensive, alternative to the classic FFL license that all dealers must procure. This license enables the buyer to procure certain firearms (a list […]

6 Tips to Stay Safe when Buying Guns from Individuals

  Not everyone goes to an FFL when buying a gun, if you’re buying from an individual, consider the following tips to stay safe.  Perform a transfer record.  http://www.beararms.com/pdf/ftup.pdf is great resource.  Print it off and you are done. Check the identification of the individual to ensure they are of age and who they say […]