Help me Raise Money for the NRA.

OK folks, I admit I suck as a T-shirt designer, which is why I hired an actual designer to create this beauty.

It’s bold, black and beautiful, and I guarantee that 25% of the proceeds will be donated to the NRA.

Keep in mind that Teespring won’t produce the Tees unless at least 20 shirts are sold in 7 days. If 20 or more are sold, they will charge your credit card and ship you the shirt. More T-Shirts = More Money for the NRA (and some for me, I wish I could donate 100% of the proceeds but I can’t afford it at this point).

To learn more, click on the shirt or visit





Schmucks Trade Guns for Schnucks.

I’ve never heard of a store called Schnucks, yet the E. St. Louis gun buyback was quite a hit.


EAST ST. LOUIS • Gloria Williams couldn’t wait to trade a broken .25-caliber handgun for a $100 Schnucks store gift card to buy her Thanksgiving dinner.

People had begun lining up at 9 a.m. at the center, guns in hand. And all $10,000 worth of Schnucks gift cards were given away less than 10 minutes after the program began at 10 a.m.

Well, isn’t that great? Why not a broken TV buyback? Old fridge buyback? There’s lots of things that could be bought back.

One man walked away with $500 worth after turning in five guns.

But hopeful gun owners who, like Williams, came too late were told the gift cards were gone.“We had given them all away,” St. Clair County Sheriff Richard Watson said enthusiastically. The yield: 130 guns of various types.


How do we know they weren’t stolen? It is one thing for private individuals selling to private individuals, but when you sell to the State, they ought to investigate.

Watson said people expressed concern that the buyback program amounted to a sting to arrest people. So this year, Watson set out to spread the word, visiting church pastors, area mayors and the media to explain that anyone could turn in weapons without retribution.


No “Separation of Church and State” complains, liberals? What a joke, this is exactly why E. St. Louis has a high crime rate, instead of fighting crime, the cops are rewarding criminals with stolen guns, and even if some of the people going to the gun buyback aren’t criminals, it’s just wrong.

Libraries don’t don’t book buybacks, they buy new books and accept book donations. I would rather see these people selling their guns at a gun show, if the gun is broken, perhaps a gunsmith can use it for parts.

Luger found in Portable Toilet.


No, not this gun.

Guns get into all kinds of crazy places:

“MECHANICSBURG — Police are looking for information on a gun found in a local park on Friday.

Mechanicsburg police said the firearm was found in a portable toilet at Memorial Park in the borough.

The firearm appears to be a black 9mm German-made Lugar with a brown handle and magazine. Police said the magazine contained no ammunition and the gun was unloaded.”

I think they meant “Luger.” Poor journalists, can’t even spell the things they want to ban.

Let them know that our RKBA is forever with this pro-gun T-Shirt. 25% of proceeds benefit the NRA.


Anti-Gun Predictions Fail.

Improvements are coming with Ohio’s concealed carry law. “In a bipartisan vote Tuesday, the Policy and Legislative Oversight Committee of the Ohio House of Representatives voted to send House Bill 203 to the full House.”

Yet Every time we want to pass a pro-gun law, some anti-gun whines that our streets will be painted with blood, that it’s going to be the Wild West (which ironically, wasn’t even that wild). As Mike McCoy writes, it just doesn’t happen:

When concealed carry was first being considered in Ohio more than 10 years ago, the anti-gun crowd predicted Ohio would become the Wild West. Needless to say, that didn’t happen. When changes were made to how guns could be carried in vehicles, the anti-gun crowd predicted concealed carry licensees would begin shooting police officers during traffic stops. Obviously, that didn’t happen either


More recently, when legislation was passed that allowed concealed carry in establishments that serve alcohol, the nearly hysterical anti-gun crowd shouted “guns and alcohol don’t mix” and predicted there would be shootouts in bars and restaurants that serve alcohol. That didn’t happen either, because law-abiding citizens follow the law and don’t drink when they are carrying their guns.


So what are the facts? The fact is gun ownership is at an all-time high and violent crime is at a 35-year low. The fact is concealed carry laws have expanded to all 50 states and murder has fallen to a 45-year low. The fact is the centerpiece of the anti-gun crowd’s gun control agenda, the federal handgun waiting period, expired in 1998 and the murder rate has decreased 21 percent since.


Finally, although the assault weapons ban expired in 2004 and ownership of “assault weapons” has exploded since then, the murder rate has dropped 10 percent. In short, the truth is more guns mean a safer country. The truth is more and better concealed carry laws mean less violent crime.


Source: Idem