Two of the kids hate “woods” (ghetto slang for white people), and one of them is obviously a self-hating cracker because why would a normal white teen hang out with black racists? Who does he think he is? Eminem?
Of course, the Justice for Trayvon people don’t care, neither does Obama. RINO Powell is also wrong: “WASHINGTON (AP) — Former secretary of State Colin Powell called the jury verdict that cleared the killer of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin “questionable” and urged President Obama to speak more on issues of race”
Really? I think he speaks too much on issues of race, instead of discussing “the nation’s history of racial injustice” how about we move on? I don’t remember the last time you had to drink in a segregated water fountain, do you?
What the hell do these people want? Is it to see white people ride on the back of the bus? You already gotten diversity and affirmative action, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I’m so sick and tired of privilege people like Powell and Obama acting like the world owes the something.
MLK wanted equality of opportunity, these fools want special treatment, equality of results. Really? Then I want to see midgets playing on the NBA, how about that?