Obama’s Kids Meme.

Two of the kids hate “woods” (ghetto slang for white people), and one of them is obviously a self-hating cracker because why would a normal white teen hang out with black racists? Who does he think he is? Eminem?

Of course, the Justice for Trayvon people don’t care, neither does Obama. RINO Powell is also wrong: “WASHINGTON (AP) — Former secretary of State Colin Powell called the jury verdict that cleared the killer of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin “questionable” and urged President Obama to speak more on issues of race”
Source: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2013/08/25/colin-powell-trayvon-martin-verdict/2697149/
Really? I think he speaks too much on issues of race, instead of discussing “the nation’s history of racial injustice” how about we move on? I don’t remember the last time you had to drink in a segregated water fountain, do you?

What the hell do these people want? Is it to see white people ride on the back of the bus? You already gotten diversity and affirmative action, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I’m so sick and tired of privilege people like Powell and Obama acting like the world owes the something.

MLK wanted equality of opportunity, these fools want special treatment, equality of results. Really? Then I want to see midgets playing on the NBA, how about that?

Texas Cops can Sell Guns.

Cops sell all kinds of stuff, wanna buy a new Mercedes? If you go to a car auction, chances are it belonged to a drug dealer. So why should they not to be allowed to sell confiscated guns?

“House Bill 1421, which passed during the last legislative session, formally permits law enforcement officials to sell found or unclaimed weapons to licensed firearms dealers. They can also sell confiscated weapons that are left unclaimed after cases that were never prosecuted or did not result in a conviction. In cases that do result in a conviction, police departments keep the firearms as evidence in case they are needed for appeals.”
Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/25/us/under-a-new-law-the-police-can-act-as-gun-dealers.html?_r=0

Good for the State, good for the people, and good for the Second Amendment. Of course, one wacko from Waco disagrees:

“The Waco Police Department has not yet decided if it will sell confiscated guns, but “at first blush it is probably not something we will be willing to do just for the fact that we don’t want to put additional weapons back out there on the street that have already been confiscated or used in a crime,” said Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton, the department’s public information officer.”

Sure Swanton, because guns turn people into criminals, right? “Officer, I used to love my wife until I bought that gun, the gun made me shoot her” said no criminal ever.

“Jason Knowles, the manager of Patriot Firearms in Lubbock, said he doubted the confiscated gun market would be bustling.”

“The majority of firearms seized by law enforcement typically are relatively cheap and of low quality,” he said. “You don’t get a lot of high-end guns in the seizure world.”

Let me translate that: “I like to sell expensive guns for $500 or more, I don’t want my customers to know there are cheaper alternatives.”

This is is the reason I buy my new guns at Academy Sports and not the small time gun dealers/rangers. Some of us can’t afford to spend $400, $500, $700 for a new gun. My only gun, a 9MM Smith & Wesson handgun, cost me $280. So for those of us who are price conscious, we don’t have a problem buying a gun someone else labels as “cheap and of low quality.” Of course, if I were to buy a used gun, I would take it to a gunsmith to make sure there are no surprises.

Autry Museum Upsets Liberals.

Before liberals ruined California, it was part of the old west, cowboys, Indians, hunters, miners, a wonderful place to live.

“We get comments all the time,” said Jeffrey Richardson, the Autry’s curator of Western history, popular culture and firearms. “Many people appreciate that we’re looking at firearms through a historical lens. Others are critical. They’ve asked, ‘Why put firearms on display at all?’”
Source: http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/arts/culture/la-et-cm-autry-museum-guns-20130825,0,7392929.story

Gee, I don’t know? Could it be that 100 million Americans own guns? Could it be that movies with guns make more money than movies about peace, love and BS?

“After a tragedy like Newtown, you have to ask yourself, ‘What are we doing, why are we doing it, and why is it appropriate?’”

Funny, in South Beach they have a Museum of Sex, I don’t think they ask themselves “is it appropriate” every time a woman gets raped or someone gets AIDS.

“For those who’d ask, “Why show firearms?,” Richardson said, “the answer is this is the gun that opened the frontier to settlement. I’m not saying it’s good or bad but that this gun is tied to Western history in this way.”

Exactly! Back then there was no “Justice for Trayvon” fools celebrating the life of thugs. Today we may have 911 and cops, but at the end of the day, I rather rely on the gun in my holster than on some telephone operator far away.

“”It’s kind of a glorification of cowboys and a bygone era,” the curator said. “That seems ever more outdated, and that will have to be addressed in the near future. It provides very little context. The scholarship, the debate around the western [movie] and its evolution, none of that is expressed in that gallery. As we make these changes, unfortunately it does highlight other areas of the museum that need to be reevaluated.”

Here’s an idea, if it’s not broken, don’t fix it. Just because you have a PhD in Art History or whatever doesn’t mean you get to ignore market forces. The museum is popular, is probably one of the rare places in LA where a gun owner can appreciate firearms. Why are you apologizing for it? You’re like Kentucky Fried Chicken feeling guilty about all the chickens that have to die for them to make a living.

Damn liberals, even when you do something that works, you have to find a way to ruin it. It’s the same reason Jim Carey acts in violent films and then whines about them. Ironically, he did a pretty good job in Kick Ass 2. See? All you liberals have to do is go back to work, it’s not that hard, if something is popular, make more of it.