Quislings in the war against guns.

It pains me to write this, but there are traitors who own guns.

“Antoinette Levitt, a 71-year-old Philadelphia resident who has held a gun permit for most of her life. Levitt, a former member of the National Rifle Association who grew up in a family of hunters and learned firearm safety as a child, said she was “ashamed” that it took the shootings in Newtown, Conn., to make her see that access to firearms should be restricted. “It took pictures of children who look just like my grandchildren,” she said. “I can barely look at those pictures today without crying.”
Source: http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20130827_Activists__mayors_and_gun_owner_rally_for_gun_control.html#cMcVf5AWB2K60qXB.99

The First Amendment allows criminals to read books about making bombs, smuggling drugs, counter-fitting money, etc. Should we limit it as well?  You’re an old fool, Antoinette Levitt, I feel sorry for you.
“After the rally, Levitt said her recent involvement in anti-violence rallies has led to some heated debates with members of her family, many of whom are hesitant to join out of fear they will be booed. “I can’t believe that people like me will not come out and talk about this,” she said. “I’m not trying to get rid of the Second Amendment. But I cannot even begin to understand the senselessness of being able to buy a gun online.”
Source: Idem.
You mean ArmsList? First of all, you can only ship guns to an FFL, ArmList only connects gun sellers online so they can meet offline. Secondly, what’s the big deal? Criminals buy guns anyway they want, why should we be limited?
As for your family, let’s hear from them, I don’t think they’re closet anti-gunners but proud people who don’t want to associate with TRAITORS.

Gun Banner Tweet.

I found this at Gun Safety Blog, a pro-gun blog. These dads don’t deserve to be dads, if your daughter was being raped and you don’t think you have the right to shoot the bastard, what kind of father are you?

We do have a right to take another life in defense of ourselves and in defense of others, it’s not just a legal right, it’s also a moral right. It would be immoral to choose weakness and passivity when strength is an option.

Still, I would like to thank CSGV for their honesty, a lot of gun banners hide their words, but a statement like this will show every centrist just which side these people are.





Don’t play games with armed men.

One of the worst movies ever made.

Are teenagers today nastier than we were? With games like “fire in the hole” where you throw a milkshake through the drive-thru window it makes me wonder. However, as bad as that is, “point ‘em out, knock ‘em out” is far more vicious.

The object: Target an innocent victim for no other reason than they are there, then sucker punch him or her.

But on this day in Lansing, there would be no punch. The teen-age attacker had a stun gun. He did not know his would-be victim was carrying a legally concealed pistol.

The teen lost the game.”
Source: http://www.mlive.com/news/index.ssf/2013/08/point_it_out_knock_it_out_brut.html

Ironically, the thug lived and wrote a letter to his victim:

“I don’t blame you for what you did. You were only trying to protect yourself. I only wish I could go back to change it to were (sic) I never did it.”
Source: Idem

See? Even the bad guy realizes he did a bad thing, at least he has a conscience, hopefully he’ll learned now that an armed society is a polite society, and he should behave himself accordingly. Too bad the DA isn’t so level-headed.

“Assistant Prosecutor Lisa McCormick said there was no evidence to prove Weaver intended to rob the victim. She also said an aggravated assault charge would not stick because it requires the victim to be seriously injured.

The felony stun-gun charge is more serious than simple assault, a 90-day misdemeanor, McCormick added.

On a potential plea deal for Weaver, she would only offer, “There’s been some discussion with the defense attorney, but nothing has been finalized.””

Really? The finalize it. Drop the charges, give them man back his gun, are we suppose to second guess every situation? Are we supposed to wait until we’re seriously injured to defend ourselves? Successful self-defense depends on seconds, not minutes.

Of course, McCormick being a DA, probably has a gun, and if someone had sucker punched her, she would have shot him 10 times and then all the LEOS would be defending her.



Harvard Study Makes Pro-Gun Argument.

It’s rare when Harvard gets it right:

The Harvard study attempts to answer the question of whether or not banning firearms would reduce murders and suicides.  Researchers looked at crime data from several European countries and found that countries with HIGHER gun ownership often had LOWER murder rates.

Russia, for example, enforces very strict gun control on its people, but its murder rate remains quite high.  In fact, the murder rate in Russia is four times higher than in the “gun-ridden” United States, cites the study.  ”Homicide results suggest that where guns are scarce other weapons are substituted in killings.”  In other words, the elimination of guns does not eliminate murder, and in the case of gun-controlled Russia, murder rates are quite high.

The study revealed several European countries with significant gun ownership, like Norway, Finland, Germany and France – had remarkably low murder rates.  Contrast that with Luxembourg, “where handguns are totally banned and ownership of any kind of gun is minimal, had a murder rate nine times higher than Germany in 2002.””

This is why the left doesn’t want to argue with facts, it’s easier to make an emotional argument about individual cases than to look at the overall statistics.