Death by a thousand cuts is what gun control deserves:
CASTLE ROCK — It will soon be legal to openly carry a firearm in public buildings and parks in Castle Rock after the Town Council repealed a ban over the objections of a majority of the police department and town staffers.
“My point-of-view is to restore the constitutional rights to the people of Castle Rock,” said Mayor Paul Donahue, who supported the new policy.
The council voted 4-3 to repeal the ban during a late-night meeting. Councilmen Clark Hammelman, Chip Wilson and Mark Heath opposed the measure. The new law will take effect Feb. 27.
Wilson and Heath said the matter was too large and contentious for the seven-member body. Heath said voters should decide the issue.
The ban, which had been on the books since 2003, allowed the town manager to decide where open carry was allowed when it came to public property, which includes town-owned or town-controlled municipal buildings and parks.
Gun rights supporters bombarded the Council with emails and social media supporting the change.
“Our freedoms are constantly being stripped away and the decision to repeal the open carry ban sets Colorado on a course of restoring freedom, rather than limiting it. Castle Rock Second Amendment supporters stood up for their rights and in doing so have invigorated gun rights supporters across the country,” said Joe Neville, Political Director of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, the state’s largest gun lobby.
Elliot Fineman, head of the National Gun Victims Action Council, a nonprofit organization that opposes the new ordinance, said Wednesday bringing guns into a public environment, as a number of communities and states have done, makes that environment less safe for the public.
“This is a race to madness,” he said.
So what can we learn from this? Simple.
1. The enemy has no facts to prove that this is a “race to madness.” Show me how it makes the environment less safe? They can’t. They’re only talking crap.
2. Don’t underestimate the power of social media. When a politician gets 1,000 comments telling him to do something, he pays attention. Can’t get your pro-gun letter to the editor published? That’s OK, publish it on Facebook, instant message the politician, we don’t need the liberal media to get our views heard.
3. Show up to those boring government meetings: “Members of the public who spoke Tuesday in favor of repealing the ban told the Council that open carry was a Second Amendment right, while those against the repeal said it is a safety and intimidation issue.”
We have won this battle, on to the next.
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