Talk about hypocrisy:
SALT LAKE CITY — A state lawmaker says a man who carried a rifle into a J.C. Penney in Riverdale a year ago could have been charged with disorderly conduct under a bill he plans to introduce.
The proposal by Rep. Paul Ray, R-Clinton, would define when someone could be charged with disorderly conduct if they’re openly carrying a gun in the state.
Ray said the measure would require handguns to be holstered and bar firearms from being openly displayed in a person’s hands or on their body.
He added that the bill stems from online photos of a man who walked into the J.C. Penney in Riverdale in January 2013 with an AR-15 slung over his shoulder and a Glock 19c on his hip. The photos posted on Facebook received hundreds of comments and were shared more than 1,000 times.
“If they strap a rifle onto their back and walk into J.C. Penney, you can be cited for disorderly (under the bill), which you ought to be,” Ray told KSL ( ). “But if you have your handgun holstered then you are OK.”
In other words, they want to keep us gun owners in the closet. How ironic, Utah celebrates gay marriage, but there’s no room for gun pride even though Ray himself violated the law he now proposes.
I hope this bill fails, the more Americans see their neighbors with guns, the more they’ll get used to them. Let guns become like smartphones, let the unarmed see us and say “that’s nice, where can I buy one?”
It doesn’t really matter to the central point of this post, but the rifle in the picture looks more like a Ruger Mini 14 than an AR15