Top Reasons We Own Guns.

Biden and Obama think owning guns is about hunting, yet the numbers from Gallup don’t lie.

For me is both Protection and Target Shooting. It’s the reason I got me a concealed carry permit. I got tired of leaving the gun in the trunk and worrying about the gun not being loaded. My 2 guns are always loaded, always with a round in the chamber. At first I was uncomfortable doing that, but later on I got used to it.

Gallup wrote interesting “implications” of their survey.

Personal protection is the top reason Americans own a gun, as was true in 2000 and 2005. This, rather than views on the Second Amendment, may explain why moving toward greater gun control, as Obama and many Democrats have sought to do, is so difficult. Those who own firearms for protection may feel that their own personal safety is a vital need on which they do not wish to compromise.

We don’t just “feel it” Gallup, we know it. Guns Save Lives, I don’t care what lies Media Matters and other propaganda outfits try to sell, if guns didn’t save lives, cops wouldn’t carry them, politicians wouldn’t be protected by them, security guards would always be unarmed.

Why should we compromise?  Who else compromises? Show me any other group that gives up their rights. We’re going to fight, this is our issue. Here’s what Colion Noir has to say about the dangers of compromising.

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