Tag Archives: stand your ground

Florida’s Warning Shots Law.

Some gun owners need to realize that warning shots are fine for the movies, but they cause problems in real life. Marissa Alexander had hoped the warning shot would scare her allegedly abusive husband. The two were in the middle of a heated argument when she picked up the gun and fired the fateful shot. […]

Congress Dems come after Stand Your Ground.

A group of congressional Democrats pressed the Justice Department to gather new data about the effects of Stand Your Ground laws on public safety. Obama and Eric Holder have called for reconsideration of the laws and whether they encourage violence. The statutes have been the subject of intense debate since volunteer neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman […]

Stand your Ground passes in Ohio.

More freedom in Ohio. A House committee approved sweeping gun legislation yesterday that would create a “stand your ground” law in Ohio and automatically recognize concealed-carry licenses issued by most other states. …. The new law would still require a person to prove he acted in self-defense, Hanson said. … Hohenwarter said 28 states have […]

Ted Cruz puts Trayvon’s Mother in her place.

A lot of RINO’s and establishment Republicans are terrified of offending whinny liberals, not Ted Cruz:   Ted Cruz addressed Trayvon Martin’s mother during a Congressional Hearing on “Stand Your Ground” laws this week. He began by offering his condolences to the family on the loss of their son’s life. While Cruz was very sympathetic […]

Reason defends Zimmerman’s Second Amendment Rights.

Here’s a clip from the article: “We may go further and note that even a guilty [Zimmerman] verdict would have been no grounds for gun control. No matter what gun laws are on the books, bad guys will always get firearms. Gunrunning is as old as guns themselves. It is only the innocent who would […]