Stand your Ground passes in Ohio.

More freedom in Ohio.

A House committee approved sweeping gun legislation yesterday that would create a “stand your ground” law in Ohio and automatically recognize concealed-carry licenses issued by most other states.


The new law would still require a person to prove he acted in self-defense, Hanson said.

Hohenwarter said 28 states have some form of a “stand your ground” law.

He added that 19 states grant automatic reciprocity with other states to recognize their concealed handgun licenses, “since the right to self-defense neither begins nor ends at the state border.”


The bill also establishes a process to grant licenses to residents in other states; alters the standard by which a person can be detained and frisked if law enforcement is investigating crimes of disorderly conduct or inducing a panic; and pre-authorizes a person for a gun purchase through a national background-check system.

Democratic amendments to remove key portions of the bill were defeated.



Good news are welcomed in these difficult times of ours. Thanks Ohio.

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