Obama Thinks it’s easier to buy a gun than a book

Obama goes to Democratic fundraisers and tells them: “It’s not just mass shootings,” the president said. “It is the daily shootings that take place in cities across America. It is easier to buy a gun than buy a book,” Obama said, referring to the lack of bookstores in low-income areas. Source Really? Has he ever […]

Gun Control is not keeping guns away from criminals

Everyone knows Obama praised Australia’s gun-confiscating model, this story proves the model doesn’t work in Australia or anywhere else:   Murder tragedy used to highlight illegal guns crackdown by SA police Photo: Julie Petropolous spoke of the awful feeling when she found out daughter Donna had been murdered. Map: Mannum 5238 A woman’s murder in […]

NRA endorses John Cornyn.

Some of my Tea Party friends may be unhappy, but the NRA has to endorse a man with a proven track record on guns. A statement from the NRA’s PAC chairman called Cornyn, the Senate minority whip, a “consistent and passionate champion of our Second Amendment rights” and noted his “A+ rating” from the group […]

Obama shakes hands with Raul Castro.

Let’s look at what kind of man Raul Castro is: “Raúl Castro, as longtime member of Cuba’s Council of State, has been signing execution orders for years. But, his killing career began early on. In 1956, while in exile in Mexico, he murdered a former comrade. During the revolutionary struggle in the mountains, he executed […]

USA Today continues to promote the “gun research” lie.

22 people have been shot in Wilmington and something must be done. No, we’re not going to build more prisons, jail more crooks, or allow more law-abiding people to get guns. Instead, USA Today demands millions be given to some “gun researchers” who will recommend gun control as the solution. “We have tried every type […]

Ted Cruz’s Coloring Book.

You’ve probably never heard of Really Big Coloring Books, the company that “number of coloring books featuring major public figures including President Barack Obama after his victory in 2008 and Nelson Mandela. The company also has made books on each political party, as well as the tea party.” Source: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2013/12/09/sen-ted-cruz-gets-a-coloring-book/ Well, I you have kids […]

Obama discusses Gun Control during Education speech.

  Obama can’t help himself, as this video shows, even when he’s supposed to talk about one thing, he finds a way to freak us out with gun control: “”We should be doing everything we can to keep you safe and protect you from gun violence.” Pres Obama in Brooklyn, NY” Source: http://gunssavelives.net/news/breaking-obama-talks-gun-control-during-education-speech-in-new-york/   First […]