Gun Tattoo Control?

This pisses people off? Zayn Malik is British, this is probably the closest thing to a gun he can legally get in the UK.

Our society has become so chickified that even something as harmless as a gun tattoo will piss off somebody. 

Nov. 23 (UPI) — One Direction heartthrob Zayn Malik has some gun-control advocates raising their eyebrows after he got a tattoo of a gun on his rib cage.

The 20-year-old pop star got the tat Thursday in Los Angeles and controversy was stirred after the tattoo artist, Louis F. Perez III, posted a photo of his work on Instagram.

“Made sure my homey was strapped,” he posted along with the photo, before later taking it down off his profile.

Some anti-gun activists said the tattoo could set a bad example for Malik’s young fans.

“It is a shame that anyone would think it makes you look cool if you get a gun tattoo,” said Ray Nelson, president of the Guitars Not Guns organization. “Promoting guns in fashion could lead to gun violence and we certainly don’t need any more of that.”

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Well, I have a message to Ray Nelson.

1. I hope you’re carrying a guitar with you all the time, maybe you can use it as a club the next time you’re getting robbed.

2. Man up, bitch, even liberal Perez Hilton writes: “We totally don’t think it’s a big deal, there have been waaaaay worse tattoos.”

Frankly, I as much as I abhor tattoos in general, I’m kinda happy this happened. If the gun grabbers can’t use him in their next PSA against guns, all the better for us. If Zayn ever becomes an American, maybe we’ll teach him to love RKBA.