Buying Guns 34X more Popular than Obamacare.

Look at this graphic:

“It would appear that the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) website – required when purchasing a gun or explosive – is capable of handling large volumes of users…”

You know why? It’s not because government is smart, it’s because gun owners would yell bloody murder if NICS didn’t work.

Government also needs our taxes, as you can see in this graph, they have grown tremendously.

“The National Shooting Sports Foundation has released Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax numbers for the 2013 second quarter showing the industry is paying the most taxes in nearly a decade thanks to an increase in firearms sales. In addition, data shows tax contributions are up 23 percent for pistols, 43.3 percent for long guns and 55 percent for ammunition compared to 2012.”

If the big government liberals wish to keep collecting our taxes, they better keep things as they are or lower them (Lower Taxes = More Prosperity = Greater Tax Collections), because if they start passing additional guns and ammo taxes, a lot of our comrades will go to the private market.

I don’t want to do that. I enjoy buying new guns at Academy Sports. I don’t want to buy a gun that might be stolen or meet some stranger in a parking lot. But I know others don’t have such qualms, so Statist beware. You can stay out of our way or you can kiss your precious taxes goodbye.