Tag Archives: control

How Romanian Communists Used Gun Control.

Even though owning guns in Romania today isn’t easy (you’re limited to 2 weapons, your license only lasts 3-years, and and you have to give a reason to own a gun [self-defense counts as a reason]), things used to be much worse. Source: http://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/region/romania Nowhere was gun-control fiercer than in communist Romania. The best testimony […]

Hammers Kill People.

Hammers Kill People.

The numbers are real.


Recently a gang of 5 or 6 hammer-wielding gang that attacked two men.


So where’s Soros? Where’s Bloomberg? There’s no right to keep and bear hammers, I’m sure they could argue that only carpenters and licensed contractors need them.

Think about all the jobs it would create!

Bought a painting? Just hire a licensed carpenter to hammer a nail into a wall.