Even though owning guns in Romania today isn’t easy (you’re limited to 2 weapons, your license only lasts 3-years, and and you have to give a reason to own a gun [self-defense counts as a reason]), things used to be much worse.
Source: http://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/region/romania
Nowhere was gun-control fiercer than in communist Romania. The best testimony to the power of an armed populace is the vigor with which the Warsaw Pact dictatorships enforced gun control. The dictatorship of Nicolae Ceaușescu used registration lists to confiscate all guns from private holders. As a consequence, no private person in Communist Romania had the right to keep and bear arms.
Now, exactly 24 years after his execution, Ceaușescu is still most commonly known as the “Comrade Supreme Commander”. He is known to have been enjoying bear hunting with his Holland & Holland custom-made British rifle. However, his dictatorship enforced gun-banning laws and anyone, who dared to question the regime was imprisoned.
The Securitate – the secret police – used to procure all of Ceaușescu’s clothing, including German-style hunting outfits. Each item of clothing would be worn only once, and then burned – this happened in a time when the average Romanian citizen would barely have enough to live.
Frustrated by missing a few shots in the dark, Ceaușescu had his security forces steal Western military infrared scopes, for his night-time hunting forays.
The Ceaușescu regime fell when the Romanian army turned against the communist government, and refused to shoot revolutionaries in the streets. Had the Romanian people benefited from a law like the Second Amendment, had they been well-armed, things might have been quite different. If the population would have had any gun-rights, the people might not have had to endure 45 terrible years of brutal dictatorship.
Perhaps this is why the Second Amendment means so much to us. We are free because we are armed, when we cease to be armed, we cease to be free. Now some of my friends may complain about the NSA spying on them and reading their Facebook accounts, but that’s window-dressing compared to life in a communist state where the government has everything and you haven nothing.
Source: http://www.tvmama.com/how-romanian-communists-used-gun-control-to-keep-the-people-unarmed/