Anti-Gun Column on Alaskan Newspaper.

Here’s what a public health epidemic actually looks like- Mary Mallon, better known as Typhoid Mary, was the first person in the United States identified as an asymptomatic carrier of the pathogen associated with typhoid fever. Mary Sanchez thinks guns are an epidemic, perhaps she needs to meet Typhoid Mary, Tuberculosis Tina, and Amber Aids. OK, bad jokes.

Since Alaska is too cold for cockroaches, you’d think the Anchorage Daily News would not publish a column by an opinion-page columnist for The Kansas City Star.

Perhaps Mary Sanchez, no relation to Dirty Sanchez, would be happier in Mexico. Look as this drivel:

In the 12 months since that awful morning, virtually nothing substantial has been accomplished to address the nation’s gluttony for gun violence. Most Americans still do not accept gun deaths and accidents as a public health issue. Instead, we’ve gotten slicker about categorizing the ways guns are used in suicides, preventable accidents and the shootings that make up the evening news in most major cities

          Source: a-year-after-sandy.html#storylink=cpy

Public health is tuberculosis, Mary, or should I say Typhoid Mary?  Gun deaths are not a public health issue, they are a criminals vs. the gun-free zones issue.

It’s comfortable excuse making. Bad things happen to “other people,” in other neighborhoods — gang members, domestic violence victims, the mentally ill. No need to draw legal gun owners into the mix, goes the rationalization, to understand better how their guns might wind up in the wrong hands.

At my college ONE STUDENT had a car accident and died, the result was that the family donated 10 speed bumps which inconvenienced everyone. Why must we pay for the things we didn’t do?

The National Rifle Association used the mere possibility of deeper study of gun deaths as a recruitment drive. They stoked fears of shadowy government officials canvassing to confiscate America’s guns and ammunition. Their battle cries to “patriots” gave gun manufacturers a boost in sales as gun owners rushed to stock up on ammunition and arms. Some people swallowed the argument that simply putting more guns into more holsters would be an appropriate and effective response.

As if you people never recruited, have we forgotten the Bloomberg bus trip, Obama’s rallies, the Giffords’ gun show media show? You control 99% of the media, yet public opinion is with us, not you. By the way, more guns does mean less crime, statistics prove it.
Many a moderate NRA member in the past year has commented that the organization doesn’t seem to support their initial interests: hunting, target shooting, the right to keep a weapon in their home for protection. Yet there has been no attempt to organize those reasonable voices to retake their organization.

Give me their names! I can find you pro-life liberals, anti-gay marriage gays, but I doubt you can find me those NRA members because they only exist in your imagination, otherwise you’d be quoting them. By the way, if you were an NRA member, you’d know we are polled on a regular basis. Unlike the AARP, the NRA actually cares about what we think.  
Instead, the organization has become a one-stop shop for sophistry and rationalization for those who oppose responsible solutions to gun violence. My favorite: All we need to do is enforce the laws already on the books. Do they not know that most mass shooters get their guns and ammo legally? Including Adam Lanza.

Solutions like New York City were you have to pay $430 for a gun permit and then jump through hoops and still get denied? No thanks, we don’t want “solutions” from anti-gunners.  By the way, in this country even the guilty are treated like they’re innocent, you ought to read the Constitution, Marxist Mary, seems to me you’re confusing America with Mexico, a country where you are guilty until proven innocent.

Yet the report also noted that Lanza went through a box of tissues a day, fearful of even touching a doorknob. Black trash bags covered his bedroom windows. He created spreadsheets to document mass murders. In preschool, Lanza was given to “repetitive behaviors, temper tantrums, smelling things that were not there, excessive hand washing and eating idiosyncrasies.”

Yes, and he had a mother that did his laundry and put up with it, although to her credit, she did try to institutionalize her son but the State of Massachusetts made her jump through hoops because the ACLU, not a fan of gun rights, is a fan of loonies. By the way, 99.99% of crazy people don’t do what Lanza did, so the solution is not to ban fire to prevent fires but to let people carry fire extinguishers.
Let Mad Mary know what you think, e-mail her at  [email protected].