Staple Guns Save Lives

In a moment of life and death, almost anything can become a weapon, even a Stanley TR250 SharpShooter Plus Heavy-Duty Staple/Brad Nail Gun

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Feb. 5, 2016)- A woman fought off an attacker with a staple gun.

Tuesday evening, a 52-year-old woman named Carol told police when she got out of her car there was a man waiting for her in her garage in Franklin Township.

“I said ‘What’s going on? What do you need? What are you doing here?’ He says, ‘I have a gun, I want your purse, and I mean it I will shoot,’” said Carol, who was attacked.

Carol told us she told the man he could have her purse and that it was in her car. The man then charged at her, grabbing her and pinning her against a toolbox.

“So I grabbed a staple gun and smacked him on the side of the head he went down to his knees,” said Carol.

She assumed that the man would leave, but he wanted more and she had more staple gun.

“I loaded up with two more in my other hand and he started charging at me again and I said ‘I will crush your skull in if you touch me again,’” said Carol.

The attacker had a bloody gash to the head and decided to take off empty handed.

“It’s either me fight like heck or ya know, the bad outcome,” said Carol.

She hopes this encounter will help to remind everyone to be aware of their surroundings.

IMPD is investigating this case.

Good for her! If you live in New York City, DC, or Chicago, order your Staple Gun from Amazon while you wait for your real gun application to be approved.

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