Six Lies from Michael Bloomberg

If Satan is the Father of Lies, Bloomberg is giving his daddy a run for his money. John Lott writes:

– In “Get the Facts About Gun Violence in the United States” from Bloomberg’s Moms Demand Action, the very first link goes to a report from the Violence Policy Center entitled “Concealed Carry Killers.” As I pointed out in April, the report double and triple counts cases, many of which should be classified as defensive gun uses and thus not counted. Many suicides that don’t involve guns are also counted in these killings. The numbers are grossly inflated, but despite commentary pointing out such gross errors, Bloomberg’s group still lists the unaltered report as the first report that they cite.

– After the Santa Barbara attack, Bloomberg’s Moms Demand Action asserted: “84 percent of female firearm homicides in 25 countries are in U.S.” However, they never told the reader that many of the other countries were tiny nations, with as few as 2 million people. That makes a huge difference. And the data is decades old. Recent data has only total homicides, but it is clear that women in the U.S. are not at greater risk than women in other countries. According to the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime, women are not at a greater risk of being killed in the United States. Indeed, in 2012, the U.S. actually has one of the lowest female homicide rates in the world.

– Both of Bloomberg’s groups, Moms Demand Action and Mayors Against Illegal Guns, claim that there were 44 mini-Newtowns with a total of 28 deaths at our nation’s schools between Dec. 14, 2012 and Feb. 10, 2014. But their numbers are easy to refute, as their statistics are a hodgepodge of unrelated numbers added together. Not all the attacks they included occurred on school property. Legitimate self-defense is included in the “mini-Newtowns.” In addition, about 40 percent of the deaths involved lone suicides committed by people who were not students, with virtually all well outside of school hours. Up to a third of the attacks involved gang fights.

Are those problems that we should be concerned about? Sure, but deaths off of school property, lone suicides, and gangs don’t have the same causes and consequences as “mini-Newtowns.” For K-12 schools, the true number is very different. There were 6 students murdered over this 14-month period. Another 7 were murdered at colleges.

– In January 2013, Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns released a report asserting: “academic publishing on firearm violence fell by 60 percent between 1996 and 2010.” This, they said, “has driven many experts to abandon the field and kept young researchers from taking it up. … But the decline in federal research has undermined overall knowledge-creation because scholars are highly dependent on federal grants to support their research.” All that was blamed on an amendment to the federal budget that the NRA supported that prevented the CDC from lobbying for gun control.

Again, the claim is totally false. Firearms research in medical journals didn’t fall. Bloomberg’s bizarre measure looked at firearms research as a percentage of all medical journal research. Firearms research has gone up; it is just that medical journal research in other areas has gone up even faster.

– Of course, when Bloomberg isn’t just making up numbers, the research he funds takes cherry picking data to new heights. In a study released this year of so-called “universal background checks,” which provide checks on all private transfers of guns, a Bloomberg-funded study looked at only one of the states that have had such a law, only when the law was rescinded, and examined only one type of violent crime.



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