Republicans make Hyatt drop “No Guns” sign

Republicans are forcing Hyatt to be sensitive towards the 2nd Amendment, too bad it’s only temporary:

Jan. 23–When Kansas Republicans converge on Wichita for their state convention starting Friday, they can bring along their guns if they want.

The Hyatt Regency Hotel has agreed to relax its gun ban for the sold-out convention, the party says.

“NOTE: for our convention, the Hyatt has agreed to drop its no guns on premises policy! That was a point Chair Kelly Arnold negotiated hard for in the contract,” an e-mailed announcement about the convention said.

Rachel Whitten, spokeswoman for House Speaker Ray Merrick, R-Stilwell, said the lifting of the hotel’s ban is about the rights of business owners as much as gun owners.

“The Hyatt as a business had a right to impose a ban on their property or lift it,” she said. “They’re a privately owned business.”

I’m so tired of the “private” excuse as if that meant anything. Does that mean Ku Klux chiKen can refuse black customers?  Surely not, only private members-only clubs have complete freedom, and even can get sued or have we not heard of women suing male-only clubs to join.

The hotel planned to remove its “No Gun” signs late Thursday and put them back up Sunday, said Kansas GOP Chair Kelly Arnold in a phone call from the Republican National Committee meeting in Washington.

I see, sort of like removing a “No Blacks, No Jews, No Dogs” sign and then putting it back in? How can it be a Christian baker is forced to bake a wedding cake for lesbians yet we can’t force Hyatt to remove their “No Gun” sign for good? Because the way I see it, while I’m OK with a business refusing a customer, I’m not OK with them refusing the 2nd Amendment.

Very few things are rights in this country, the term right is often overused by the bozos who talk about a right to work, right to an education, right to housing, right to marriage, etc, but the 2nd Amendment is an actual right, and I don’t care if some liberal tells me “you can leave your gun in the car” (which by the way, the Chamber of Commerce is against) because I shouldn’t have to.

Our rights mean nothing if others can infringe them, an in a business open to the public, regulated by the public, that infringement should not occur. If other libertarians disagree with me, screw them, I’m not going to die in a hotel just because some liberals don’t like their no gun sign.



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So they couldn’t find a company that supports the 2A at ALL times? Seems blatantly hypocritical to me. The only thing these companies understand is the bottom line… refuse to do business with them and let them know it is because of their bigoted policies. If they change the policy – as a standard way of doing business – then reward the change with FUTURE business. This is why I do not consider myself to be a republican any longer, but rather a conservative independent. The republican party really needs to pull their heads out of their behinds and stand up for what they SAY they believe, if they want my respect or support.


That’s a great point, they should have told Hyatt that the removal must be permanent or they will take their business to another hotel. Why did they choose Hyatt? I suspect that’s the most luxurious hotel in Wichita or they got a great deal. I consider myself a right-libertarian, I sympathize with Republicans but keep a close eye on them. I’m also a RINOphobe.

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