Meme by the PC Police, although they have a point. Juan Pablo Galavis is not a saint.
I don’t know if Juan Pablo Galavis (The Bachelor) is pro-gun or anti-gun, but like Phil Robertson, he’s gotten in trouble for being politically incorrect:
“Juan Pablo GalavisABC’s latest Bachelor says he doesn’t think that there should be a gay or bisexual person on the broadcast reality television show and described gays as “more pervert in a sense” in a new interview.
Juan Pablo Galavis, the 32-year-old star of The Bachelorwho also appeared on the most recent season of The Bachelorette, made the remarks in an interview with The TV Page’s Sean Daly”
Source: http://www.dailypaul.com/310390/abcs-bachelor-juan-pablo-galavis-says-gays-shouldnt-be-on-the-show
Unlike Phil Robertson, he has apologized in a way that should get the left to forgive him:
Juan Pablo Galavis
10 hours ago
People,I want to apologize to all the people I may have offended because of my comments on having a Gay or Bisexual Bachelor. The comment was taken out of context. If you listen to the entire interview, there’s nothing but respect for Gay people and their families. I have many gay friends and one of my closest friends who’s like a brother has been a constant in my life especially during the past 5 months. The word pervert was not what I meant to say and I am very sorry about it. Everyone knows English is my second language and my vocabulary is not as broad as it is in Spanish and, because of this, sometimes I use the wrong words to express myself. What I meant to say was that gay people are more affectionate and intense and for a segment of the TV audience this would be too racy to accept. The show is very racy as it is and I don’t let my 5 year old daughter watch it. Once again, I’m sorry for how my words were taken. I would never disrespect anyone.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/juanpablogalavis
Having spent part of my youth in Venezuela, I have unique insights into his psyche. Venezuelans aren’t that different from Southerners, they are politically incorrect, perhaps way more than Southerners. All day long you’re gonna hear “gay slur this”, usually it has nothing to do with gays, but it’s almost word like “bro,” as in “marico, give me the keys,” or “stop la mariquera and give me the money you owe me.” They even mention dick a lot, as in “esta de pinga” which literally translates to “it’s like a dick” although it’s understood as “it’s quite awesome.”
Juan Pablo comes from a culture where one of the most famous songs has lyrics like “mommy, what does the negro want?”, not to mention songs about blacks with big lips. The word negro itself is not pejorative like the American N-Word, it’s even a term of endearment used by people of all races.
Venezuelans are very friendly people, I remember getting a flat tire in the rain and a family stopping their car, changing it for me, and refusing payment for their services. But Venezuelans are not PC, they don’t go through life minding their words and living in fear of the PC police. There is no PC police in that country, a lesson Juan Pablo is learning.
According to the New York Times, mannequin manufacturer Eliezer Álvarez has transformed his business by introducing a line of shop-window dummies based on the exaggerated body shape he thinks Venezuelan women would really like – and, increasingly, are giving themselves with implants and plastic surgery. Fuelled by an oil-rich culture of consumerism and instant gratification, cosmetic surgey has become routine for wealthier Venezuelans and commonplace even among poorer women who spend cash they can’t really afford on breast implants, tummy tucks, nose jobs and buttock lifts.
With that said, Juan Pablo is wrong about one thing, all Venezuelans are perverts more or less. Teenagers go to the whorehouse with daddy’s money and approval, a Venezuelan housemaid is likely to have 10 babies by 10 different guys, adultery is very common, the Catholic Church has complained that Venezuelans spend most of Holy Week at the beach than in the church. The New York Times has called Venezuelans the most vain people on earth, and a mannequin company started making money after creating mannequins with big tits and asses.
Yet whether you agree or not with Juan Pablo, the sad thing is how people are freaking out over politically incorrect opinions.
I tried debating one of the activists and got called a “fat and ugly straight asshole,” was told I’m part of a dying breed.
I reminded him how Phil Robertson got vindicated, how America is more like Duck Dynasty than PC Land. I ended up telling him that he’s hurting his own cause, if I was a bigot I would use my experience with him to hate minorities, yet as a right-libertarian, my battle remains ideological and not sexual or racial. My war is with gun control, socialism, collectivism, and political correctness.
I will continue to defend the victims of PC, not because I agree with them, I often don’t, but simply out of principle, because it’s the right thing to do. I will save my anger for people who deserve it, people like Harvey Weinstein and his plans to make an anti-NRA movie, but I’m not going to bash a Bachelor because some people got offended by what he said. Suck it up, life is harsh, and eventually you’re gonna say something far more offensive than what he said.
He shouldn’t apologize for his opinion. He’s Latin American, from the Venezuelan countryside, not even the big city. He grew up in a society in which gays are accepted as a fact but not seen as a good example, in which no father wants to have a gay son, and in which womanizing is accepted and applauded, and the more women you seduce, the more of a stud you are, the more respect you get. People are judging him as if he grew up in San Francisco. That’s just like if he judged Americans to be ignorant because most don’t know where Venezuela is on the map. There’s a cultural aspect in his comments that’s just way beyond the grasp of the “America is the standard by which all others should be measured” mindset.
The irony is that most of the people attacking him consider themselves open minded, multiculturalists who believe in diversity, yet just like Phil Robertson gets attacked by the “tolerant” set, Juan Pablo also gets it. Well, I’m sure the scandal will die in a few days.