Pro-Gun FSU Student Shot

What “gun-free zones” create:

Nathan Scott is a student at Florida State University in Tallahassee. He has a job working in the school library and is a member of Students for Concealed Carry on Campus at FSU. And he is a (barely) walking example of why his cause is so crucial, after being shot in the library recently and having no way to defend himself.


Just after midnight on Nov. 20, 2014, Nathan Scott was shot while working at the FSU library. A disturbed former student with paranoid delusions opened fire with a pistol at the library’s front door. Being unarmed, all Nathan could do was run – as best he could with a bullet wound in his leg – and warn other students. Another student, an Army combat infantry veteran, took cover when the shooting started, and though both he and Nathan Scott had the training, skill, and opportunity to end the attack almost as soon as it began, neither was armed because, being law-abiding citizens, they both were obeying Florida’s law against having a gun on campus. Of course the man randomly shooting people was not impeded in any way by Florida’s “No Guns on Campus” law.


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