In an article entitled “Banished for Questioning the Gospel of Guns”, that old grey “lady” complains that we have sent Dick to Siberia, purged him from our ranks like a Soviet dissident:
BARRY, Ill. — The byline of Dick Metcalf, one of the country’s pre-eminent gun journalists, has gone missing. It has been removed from Guns & Ammo magazine, where his widely-read column once ran on the back page. He no longer stars on a popular television show about firearms. Gun companies have stopped flying him around the world and sending him the latest weapons to review.
And this bothers them why? I don’t remember The New York Times attacking the GLAAD gestapo for persecuting Phil Robertson, or defending that former comedian from Seinfeld that uttered the N-Word during his act, or standing up by Mel Gibson after he blamed the Jews on a drunken tirade, or what about that southern woman, Paula Deen? She got kicked off The Food Network, did the Times defend her? No, they did not.
He [Dick Metcalf] says he is still contemplating how a self-described “Second Amendment fundamentalist” who keeps a .38 snub-nose Smith & Wesson revolver within easy reach has been ostracized from his community.
“Compromise is a bad word these days,” he said. “People think it means giving up your principles.”
He wasn’t a Second Amendment fundamentalist, he tried to have it both ways, please the right and the left, and ended up pleasing no one. What principles did he really have? If your principle is “Thou shalt not steal” are you going to tell me it’s OK to steal to feed the poor. No, theft is wrong, charity is right. Gun control is wrong, crime control is right. Punishing law-abiders with more red tape is wrong, punishing law-breakers with longer jail terms or the death penalty is right.
Dick got fired for attacking our tactical rifles, our military-looking weapons, and most importantly, for pissing off his readers. A job anywhere is a privilege, it is not a right. I’ve been fired or asked to resign or terminated or laid off from all but 2 of the companies I have worked for, which is why now I work for myself.
Dick had two bosses, his boss and his readers, and he managed to piss off the one boss you never mess with, your customers. So I don’t know what Dick will do now, maybe he needs to write a real apology, stop defending what he did, show real contrition and repentance, and perhaps he can be forgiven and once again given a position in the media. Or he can do his blog.
Either way, this is something for us to think about, because I fear that the anti-gunners might be interested in recruiting him to their cause, and desperate men often turn to desperate measures. I don’t like what Dick did, but I don’t want him writing for the enemy either.
So my question to you is, should we forgive him?
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