Milwaukie stops intruder with gun.

If you click on the link, you’ll see that this woman doesn’t look like much. She’s not Xena Warrior princess, no female bodybuilder, but with her great equalizer, she stopped an intruder from terrorizing, and she didn’t even have to pull the trigger.

MILWAUKIE, Ore. — An intruder in Milwaukie tried to break into a home after he had already walked into two other apartments and had a gun pulled on him Friday night.

The man was captured on surveillance video walking up to a home and looking through a window at children playing with their babysitter. The man is then seen trying to open the door and get inside. When he discovers the door is locked, he takes off.

Before trying to get in the home, the man had reportedly walked in two other apartments. In one, he followed Crystal McKinney upstairs and inside.

She knew something wasn’t right.

“I backed up and I said ‘What are you doing?'” McKinney said. “He said, ‘Do you want to meet God?’ I went to my room and got my gun. I said get out or I will shoot you.”

She said the man turned to leave, so she followed him, shut the door, and called 911. Then she heard him in the apartment across the hall before he finally left.

“My adrenaline was really pumping and I broke down in tears,” McKinney said.



Liberals say guns cause you to do things you wouldn’t do otherwise, like shooting an innocent person. Yet McKinney had self-control, the gun didn’t control her, she controlled the gun. Adrenaline doesn’t destroy your judgement, if anything, she was focused, and if he had come after her when she brandished her gun, I’m sure she would have pulled the trigger.

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