Liberals love focusing on semantics, in a pro-gun column published on Daily Caller, NRA President James Porter had a lot of brilliant things worth quoting such as:
“The problem with what the president [Barack Obama] is doing is that he’s not simply posing a danger to the constitutional system; he is becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid: that is, the concentration of power in any single branch.”—Prof. Jonathon Turley, Georgetown University Law School
Obama is transforming the very constitutional structure of our government—a structure of checks and balances among the three branches of government that has given our nation its remarkable stability as a true Democratic Republic.
Read more:
But you can’t place Race-Card with that, which is why Media Matters focused on this:
Whatever position you might take personally on any of these issues, the big gorilla in the room is Obama’s lawless approach to governing.
And like well-trained monkeys, the liberals react:
blynnbit But that’s not racist at all. Seriously, these people are sick SOBs.
Could it be that the word gorilla rhymes with governing? Could it be Porter wanted to avoid the “elephant in the room” cliche? No, it can’t be that, Porter must be the only Klansman in the world that wants African-Americans to keep and bear arms. I kid of course, just in case Media Matters is reading this and isn’t able to understand sarcasm.
Here’s the truth, just because something seems racist doesn’t mean it’s racist:
What would be racist is not treating Obama the same way Bush was treated. What’s good for the Bush is good for the ‘bama.