Media Matters Admits Bias: “Won” The War against FNC.

Liberals are always defending Media Matters, “oh they’re non-partisan, oh they’re not biased.” Well, what do you make of a comment like this?

“The war on Fox is over,” said Media Matters Executive Vice President Angelo Carusone. “And it’s not just that it’s over, but it was very successful. To a large extent, we won.”

Reminds me of Napoleon marching his troops to Le Havre and ordering them to turn around and march to Russia. Or perhaps this is reminiscent of Caligula drawing his troops in battle formation facing the English Channel, and ordering them to attack the standing water.

“We’ve always said, ‘Media Matters watches Fox, so you don’t have to,'” said Bradley Beychok, the group’s president. “That remains true. Fox News isn’t going to stop lying, so we’ll stay on that beat. But, our success regarding Fox News means that our talented team will carry out our mission in different ways consistent with a new strategic vision responsive to the transforming media environment.”

Thank you for confirming that everything we hate about you is true. We accept your defeat even if you call it a victory.

“It’s not clear how much more can be achieved by focusing on Fox,” he added. “There are many more outlets that need Media Matters holding their feet to the fire.”

The only people that pay attention to you are liberal journalists too lazy to do their own stories, and guess what? We don’t pay attention to them either. Face it Media Marxists, nobody’s afraid of you.

Carusone, who was recently promoted to his current role, has been a key foot soldier in the war on Fox. Before he joined the organization, back when he was still in law school, he started a campaign against Beck in response to the host’s 2009 comment that President Barack Obama is a racist. With the help of some progressive organizations, Carusone successfully convinced hundreds of companies to stop advertising on Beck’s show.

Yeah, and now Beck has one of the biggest blogs online, his own TV station, and continues to publish New York Times Best Sellers. So what did you accomplish really? Nothing.

Host Megyn Kelly has since taken over the 9:00 p.m. time slot that had been occupied for years by Sean Hannity, who is known for being more vitriolic and partisan than Kelly. Carusone argued that financial pressure, created in part by Media Matters, forced that shift.

What a joke, show me one advertiser that dropped Hannity. Financial pressure? Bollocks, this people couldn’t pressure a cockroach, much less Hannity. Changes in programming are perfectly normal, nothing stays the same forever.

“We deal with reality. She’s not as vitriolic,” said Carusone. “On the other hand, she is in some ways more pernicious because her credibility has not been completely and totally eroded … so she has the potential to legitimize and validate smears and lies in ways that some of the more disreputable figures on Fox can no longer do, which just presents a new challenge.”

Wait a minute, I thought you “won” your war against Fox News, so what new challenge would be there? I guess the liars forget the #1 lesson about lying: Remember your lie.


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