This ad has Media Matters raving mad:
“A Colorado newspaper has repeatedly run an anti-Semitic ad depicting New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who is Jewish, as a puppet-master who controls a state senator the ad’s sponsor is seeking to recall from office for supporting stronger gun laws.
The September 8 and 9 editions of the Pueblo Chieftain featured the half-page advertisement. The group responsible for the ad, Pueblo Freedom and Rights, is credited with starting the campaign to recall the ad’s target, State Sen. Angela Giron, over her support for legislation that expanded background checks on gun purchases and imposed a 15-round limit on firearm magazine size. Early voting is underway with the election concluding on September 10.
The depiction of a Jewish leader as a puppet-master is widely acknowledged as anti-Semitic imagery because of its relation to conspiracy theories about Jewish control of the political process or global economy.”
For crying out loud! That ad could have been made by Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership. Nobody’s attacking Bloomberg because he’s Jewish just like nobody attacks Obama for being biracial or mulatto.
We’re attacking the IDEOLOGY and ACTIONS of the man, not his religion. In fact, if Bloomberg took his Judaism seriously he’d realize that the Old Testament is pro-gun (or pro-arms if you will).
“Exodus 22: 2 states, “If a thief is caught breaking in and is struck so than he dies, the defender is not guilty of bloodshed; but if it happens after sunrise, he is guilty of bloodshed.” This is in a series of case laws regarding thieves. The underlying assumption of this verse is that men may take the lives of other men who are clearly attempting to hurt them, without guilt. This verse extends those who may be killed without guilt to include thieves whose intention is not clear. In daylight, a criminal’s intent is more clear to the victim. When it is clear that a criminal intends only to steal, the victim may not respond by killing him. If it is clear that the criminal intends to hurt or murder, the victim may respond with lethal force. If a victim awakes at night to find a stranger in his house, it is not clear if the stranger intends to steal from him or to kill him. In this ambiguity, the victim is allowed to use lethal force against the criminal regardless of his true intent without guilt. My home state of Texas has this same law almost word-for-word.”
Besides, Bloomberg and Soros ARE a puppet master just like CHRISTIAN Ted Turner, Sarah Brady, Warren Buffet, Cuomo, and others play the same role.
What Media Matters is doing reminds me of Woody Allen’s old joke in Annie Hall about “how you doing?” sounding like “How Jew doing?”. You aren’t fooling anyone, MM.
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