Magazine Limits reduced from 15 to 10 in New Jersey

More bad news from The Gun Hating State:

TRENTON — Despite the protests of dozens of New Jersey gun-rights supporters — including a 9-year-old girl — a state Assembly panel today approved a bill that would reduce the number of bullets an ammunition magazine could hold from 15 to 10.

The bill (A2006), which was approved by a 5-3 vote along party lies after a three-hour-long hearing, was sought by gun-control advocates and family members of some of the 20 elementary school children killed at the sandy Hook School in Newtown, Conn., in 2012.


Assemblyman Lou Greenwald (D-Camden), the sponsor of the bill considered today, said that gunmen in several recent mass shootings had used high-capacity magazines, and were only disarmed when they needed to reload.

“We see time and time again in the news. It is when the individual goes to reload their magazine clip, brave individuals are able to step up and apprehend those individuals,” Greenwald said. “In Sandy Hook, children were able to flee and escape.”


Hey Lou, if I have a gun and a crazy man is shooting people, I don’t wait for him to run out of bullets, I shoot the bastard. That’s why your law is stupid, not to mention that illegal magazines are easy to find.

Max McGuire, a political science graduate student at Villanova University and Cranbury resident, said attempting to stop mass shooters with the law would be “like lowering the speed limit to stop drag racers.”

“You cannot do this. This is my property. This is stuff that I bought legally, and I committed no crime,” McGuire said.

They don’t care, Max, I used to defend New Jersey when New Yorkers would ridicule it, but no longer. Your State is full of gun-hating garbage, your own governor is a Tea Party and Libertarian-hating RINO. Maybe he’ll prove me wrong and veto this bill, but I doubt t.



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