Less crowds at the Fargo Gun Show

If you live in North Dakota, tomorrow might be a good day to head out to the Fargo Civic Center and enjoy your 2nd Amendment Rights without the long lines:

Fargo, ND (WDAY TV) – With the hype on gun control dying down, so are the numbers when it comes to gun show turnout.

Usually thousands turnout to Fargo’s Civic Center each year to check out hundreds of different kinds of rifles, handguns and ammunition.

But Saturday afternoon the door count was just shy of 700, a number gun show officials say is low, vendors say the Bison Football game may be to blame.

Robert Liebl/Bob’s Guns and Collectables: “Fargo’s been a good show, lots of them come in the morning. Now, like they say in the afternoon there won’t be anybody here. Cause of the ball game but tomorrow now there will be more here.”

The annual gun show runs through Sunday afternoon.
Source: http://www.wday.com/event/article/id/92114/



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