Larry Pratt: Bloomberg’s Arrogance of Power.

I like Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America, he always tells it like it is:

WASHINGTON – A gun-rights leader Sunday blasted Mayor Bloomberg for planning to spend $25 million in next year’s elections to boost gun control, saying Americans reject his “arrogance of power.”

“I’m not sure the amount of money that billionaire Bloomberg has is going to be effective,” Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, said on “Fox News Sunday.”

He predicted a repeat of this year’s recall election in Colorado, where Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns spent $350,000 backing two gun-control lawmakers who still got booted from office.

“He outspent the candidates that won in Colorado enormously and he lost,” said Pratt. “So I think the message is, ‘We don’t like the arrogance of power. We don’t like the message that we ought to be disarmed as a way of fighting crime.”

The war is not over, but with articles like Supporters of Stricter Gun Laws Look Back on 2013 in Despair, I am hopeful victory awaits us.



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