When a liberal can’t win an argument with facts, he pulls out one of the following cards. 1. Race. 2. Culture. 3. Gender.
Let’s take a look the drivel
Let women’s voices be heard on gun control
You would think that a proposal to require background checks on virtually all gun sales would be a no-brainer in the blue state of Washington.
You would think pro-choice feminists would be OK with parental rights when it comes to abortion, but they’re not.
A recent poll, taken before the killings last month in Santa Barbara, California, showed that 72 percent of the state’s voters support a background-check measure on November’s ballot – 77 percent of women and 68 percent of men.
#1. Our 2nd Amendment is not subject to a vote
#2 More women than ever are buying guns, getting concealed carry licenses, even going hunting
Women are the key in gun-control initiatives. A national 2013 NBC-Wall Street Journal poll, for example, found that 65 percent of women favor stronger gun laws, compared with 44 percent of men. But certain groups of female voters in particular – unmarried, younger, minority – are known for sitting out midterm elections.
Exactly! Because in reality they don’t care. A proud NRA member always votes, because he cares. Gun grabbers are bitching about guns today, saving the whales tomorrow.
The measure would expand criminal and public safety background checks to almost all sales and transfers, including online purchases and from private sellers at gun shows. Federal law already requires background checks on sales from licensed dealers to block purchases by criminals and the dangerously mentally ill.
Lies, the blackmarket will remain just as strong. Ever heard of Facebook, Instagram, etc? There are many ways to execute a person to person gun sale without going through a background check. On the other hand, most smart criminals prefer not to leave an online trail, so these measures are nothing more than law-abiding gun owner harassment.
Activists see a path to success in Mothers Against Drunk Driving, which won tougher laws with grass-roots networking and lobbying efforts. After the Newtown killings, a group called Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America emerged to create a similar strategy on guns. (That group is working in a coalition, Everytown for Gun Safety, alongside Mayors Against Illegal Guns, which was started by former New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, the founder of Bloomberg News parent Bloomberg LP.)
Using digital peer pressure, advocates will be contacting infrequent voters via Facebook and Twitter, with everything from campaign logos in place of personal profile pictures to gun-safety postings and tweets. Women are much more likely than men to use Facebook and other social-networking tools.
These people think we’re just going to sit down and let them do what they want. The NRA, Gun Owners of America, even Guns Save Lives has far more followers than MDA and the Bloomberg posse. Even the Open Carry movement gets more publicity than the dumb mothers. As for Bloomberg, I’ve heard from more than one liberal that they’re actually embarrassed by Bloomberg, the guy’s “stop and frisk” practices and some of his nanny state policies have pissed them off.
Frankly, there’s nothing more infuriating than some billionaire telling you how to live your life, this is why there’s backlash against Bloomberg from all corners. Even Moms Demand Action lost what little credibility they had after they partnered with MAIG.
Voting is ridiculously easy in Washington. All anyone has to do is watch for the ballot in the mail, mark it, affix a stamp and return it. If women voters are somehow too distracted or blase to participate, measures such as the one in Washington won’t succeed. That’s crazy. This year, citizens, not politicians, are making the decision. They have a chance to take a simple, logical stand.
Contact Joni Balter at [email protected].
She’s right, voting is ridiculously easy, and as long as the Republican party nominates pro-gun candidates, we’ll be flooding the polls while liberal women are doing their nails.
So bring it on, Joni, even in liberal Washington State we have influence, even there we can win.
The argument for UBC always seems to be based on mass killings, yet no one has been able to point out where it would have stopped any of the events. Also, no one has been able to point out a way that UBC can be enforceable and not create a registry. NICS creates as registry, just that is by proxy at the FFL dealers and many feel that the FFL dealers would “loose” their records in a case of civil distress.
An optional system where NICS could be used by any citizen without charge and without being tracked would probably work, but the gun control people want the “control” not safety or any other worthy goal.
Exactly, Adam Lanza’s mother owned her guns legally, her son had no condition that would disqualify him from owning a gun (he was never in a mental institution). The same goes for the Santa Barbara Shooter, he was able to jump through all the California hurdles and get his guns. If California was ruled by Reason, they’d be making it easier for people to get guns so we can shoot back. Sadly, California is the definition of insanity, doing the same thing while expecting a different result.