Italians Upset with Gun-Carrying David

ht armalite david ad wy 140310 16x9 608 Gunmaker Arms Michelangelos David Statue With Rifle, Angers Italy

A U.S. gun manufacturer that created an image of Michelangelo’s famous “David” statue holding a rifle has riled Italian culture aficionados.

The ad, by the Geneseo, Ill.-based company ArmaLite Inc., depicts the famous statue holding an AR-50A1 rifle that costs $3,700 with the slogan “a work of art” above it.

Italy’s culture minister Dario Franceschini Tweeted a message, saying the advertisement “offends and violates the law.” He also threatened to take action against ArmaLite unless it immediately withdraws the ad campaign, citing copyright law.

Fascism originated in Italy long before Hitler took it to the next level in Germany, so I’m not surprised Dario Franceschini thinks he can intimidate a proud American company with his lies. The law? Let me tell you about copyright law in America, works are protected by copyright for only 60-years after an author dies. Then it’s fair game.

Armalite owns that picture, they probably went to a website like Getty Images and paid $500 for it. If those dirty fascists want to sue, bring it on! The publicity and sales Armalite gets will far exceed the cost of litigation.

Don’t mess with us, Italians, we defeated Hitler, we defeated Mussolini, we can beat you in court as well, assuming you even have jurisdiction since I doubt  Armalite sells in Italy.

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