Indiana school janitor resigns over a gun

With the exception of rare pro-gun school district, in America the policy is that it’s OK for you to be murdered by a school shooter, but it’s not OK to shoot back:

EVANSVILLE — A custodian at a southwestern Indiana middle school has resigned two days after he says he inadvertently brought a loaded handgun into the school.

Jordan Stone said Friday in a statement announcing his resignation that it “was an honest mistake” when he brought the gun Wednesday into Thompkins Middle School.

The Evansville Courier & Press reports the 24-year-old Stone put the weapon in a locked room in the Evansville school after realizing he had it with him.

School officials and police were alerted after another school employee found the gun hours later in the school’s boiler room.

Evansville Vanderburgh School Corp. spokeswoman Marsha Jackson says the boiler room is always kept locked and inaccessible to the public.

Stone wasn’t arrested, but he could face potentially face criminal charges.

Nothing happened, nobody got hurt, the boiler room is kept locked (although if I had been in his position, I would have left it in my car), yet now this poor man must suffered because gun haters wrote laws that goes against the letter and spirit of the 2nd Amendment.


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