Here’s a silly letter to the editor…
I could not be more disgusted than I am right now with the Arizona Legislature.
We just buried a police officer. Every day, there is a police-involved shooting. Teenagers are shooting each other. A person outside a mall just blasts away with a gun because he thought someone else had a gun.
But what does the Legislature do for us?
They pass more gun laws that make it easier for anyone to get a gun, that give everyone the ability to carry a gun inside a public place, and that penalize municipalities that have the sense to restrict gun access and use.
I am sick and tired of our Legislature concentrating on making access to guns easy and the senseless use of guns acceptable.
The public doesn’t want them.
To legislators: Quit making gun laws just because you are bought and paid for by the gun lobby in Arizona.
— Homer Landreth, Peoria
Who knew Homer Simpson had a real-life counterpart? You buried a police officer? In Mexico they have buried thousands of police officers and they have all the gun control laws they could ever want.
Maybe Homer needs to wear a Gun-Free T-Shirt. Go ahead, Homer, let the criminals know you’re a prime target for the criminal predators.
Yes Homer, we pass laws that AFFIRM our 2nd Amendment, that make it worth the paper it’s written on.
The public doesn’t want them? Which public is that? The public that watches MSNBC and listens to NPR? That public isn’t worth a bag of beans. You’re in a Red State, Yankee! Arizona was settled by men with guns, not pussies with bicycle helmets. It’s a cowboy state, so maybe you should pack your bags and enjoy your frapuchino somewhere else.
You want to oppose us? Then go ahead and join the Bloomberg Brigade, pay them a membership fee. My NRA has 5 million members, what you got, Homer boy? The anti-gun lobby? Yeah, I know Bloomberg can outspend us, but you know what buys a politician better than money? Votes! And we have the voters, we don’t even need to commit voter fraud like you left-wingers, we have no ACORN registering homeless people that will vote for whoever you want them to.
What we have is MILLIONS of committed 2nd Amendment defenders. Our letters to the editor don’t always get published, but our votes make it to the ballot box and the politicians know we’ll fire them if they don’t do our bidding.
So go to hell or California, Homer, Arizona doesn’t need people like you.
Ok, true story. I lived in Ireland for 5 years. Dublin to be specific. People cannot own guns and even the Garda do not carry guns unless they are in the special units. The high crime area’s the the Garda do not respond to crimes in because they do not want to be shot being unarmed. Its insane. My first month there, someone was trying to steal my car and I called the Garda. They said to call them back after it was done incase the guys stealing my car were armed! A couple of months later, I got my purse stolen at gunpoint. And a year before I left I had an employee who’s house was robbed by a guy who had a gun and she was in her closet on the phone with the Garda and they wouldn’t come help her.
If these laws worked it would work everywhere. I just Thank God I live in Texas now. Out of all the states in the US and all the places in the world I have lived, I love Texas!
Gail Wilford