I can’t make this up:
The Open Carry Experience Part 4: Our own worst enemy
by Caleb •
Gunnuts.net doesn’t want you to be this guy. Why not? His outfit?
Cracked has an article about Open Carry Texas. I agree with the general points made in the article, and it illustrates the biggest problem I have with Open Carry: the actions of a few extreme actors come to represent gun culture as a whole, and they’re hurting the cause….when Cracked and Bill Maher are talking about OC Texas and I agree with them, you have a serious problem. That’s a major image problem, and it’s not one that is going to go away unless the mainstream firearms community does something about it.
Source: http://www.gunnuts.net/2014/06/12/the-open-carry-experience-part-4-our-own-worst-enemy/
Caleb, Cracked.com and Bill Maher have ALWAYS BEEN ANTI-GUN, getting upset with them is like getting upset with Jezebel, RawStory, MSNBC, and any number of left-wing outlets. Dude, you’re like a Christian trying to convert Satan.
But what can we do? All too often, we’re quick to eat our own for any perceived deviation from ideological purity. I think that two things are important: first, we have to reinforce in communication with regular folk that those guys don’t speak for us. They don’t speak for the majority of OC advocates even, and holy shit how bad is that? When regular OC advocates are all “hey bro, maybe you should calm down” you are definitely not walking the path of righteousness. The second thing to remember that it is on us to act like responsible gun owners and be good, positive representatives of the community when we’re interacting with people who know we own guns. Regardless of whether you’re open carrying or not, I cannot stress this enough: be a good ambassador. Don’t be that guy.
They don’t? Because those guys seem to be winning:
Outside the meeting, about 15 women demonstrated in the park across the street carrying signs that said “Texas moms expect more” and “Target needs #gunsense.” They want Target to ban customers from openly carrying guns in its stores.
The women belong to a group called Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, which launched a campaign last week using pictures of gun-rights activists in Texas carrying rifles and assault weapons into stores.
The group says it has collected more than 200,000 signatures to date on its online petition and has begun delivering it this week to Target stores around the country.
Target has noted that it doesn’t sell guns or ammunition in its stores, but it says it won’t prohibit legal firearms and will instead follow state and federal laws on the issue.
Source: http://m.startribune.com/?id=262727811#continue
That’s right, Target didn’t cave to Moms Demand Action, Target didn’t get scared of the open carry movement, instead, Target has basically told us that we won.
So how about an apology to the Open Carry Movement, Gunnuts?